• Member Since 12th Aug, 2020
  • offline last seen October 19th


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More Blog Posts8

  • 63 weeks

    Long story short: Finally got job, no commissions or writing for the time being.

    Frankly, I was incredibly stressed out and depressed due to job search.

    Now I just recently got a very, *very* well-paying job at a FAANG, which means that life is good again.

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  • 78 weeks
    Writing Updates

    Writing goes on, decently happy with my progress, especially considering I was sick for almost two weeks.

    Current stories I'm working on:

    — That one Gilda story:
    6500 words done. Pretty happy with the progress here. Not quite sure how long this will get, probably something like 8k or 9k words. Definitely needs a bit more editing.

    — Chrys/Twi story:

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    4 comments · 464 views
  • 80 weeks
    Sup. Back to writing, and stuff.

    What's going on in your lives?

    I'm back to writing, for the time being. Currently working on one or two stories, and will probably also attempt to write the epilogue of Dusk Shine saves Equestria, sort of.

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  • 132 weeks
    Oh yeah, I was working on that Dusk story and I'm releasing it now

    I hope you enjoy that Dusk story I was working on. It was difficult to find a proper title for this one. I plan to release a chapter per day, mostly just doing some last-minute editing here and there. Still gotta write a proper epilogue, too.

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    7 comments · 388 views
  • 139 weeks

    Hello yes, I still exist.

    Life was busy to say the least. Still working on stories here and there, though! Considering/planning to write some more stuff different from what I wrote so far. Maybe funny stuff, or dark stuff. Or stuff without any kind of smut content.

    Maybe I'll end up writing smut either way, though, that's also fun.

    Hope you're having a wonderful day!

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500 words a day. · 6:31pm Nov 11th, 2021

I've set a goal of writing 500 words per day throughout November. This has worked well so far. Here's my three main thoughts so far:

  1. 500 words is not that much compared to what some people can write in a single sitting, but I figured that I'm aiming more for consistency here, and that it'd be a bad idea to aim for a goal which I can't hit. I was able to write 500 words even on 'bad days', when exhausted or otherwise very busy, so that's quite nice. There's one day where I didn't write, but I had an exceptionally good reason for that. I've written about 730 words per day, and that feels quite nice.
  2. I recommend trying this if you'd like to do more writing! Just make sure that you don't aim too high. 500 words was a good amount for me, and I'm a relatively slow writer, I think. You should probably aim for at most half of what you'd like to write on a "pretty good" (not exceptionally good) day.
  3. I think the next time I might set aside two 'editing' days per week, on which I'll plan to work on story-related stuff for anywhere between one or two hours, instead of writing those 500 words. This is nice to take a quasi-break, and to get other important work out of the way.

    When I say 'story-related stuff' then I'm thinking of editing a story, filling in the description and infobox text, finding a good story title, finding/making a good cover image, etc.

Wish me luck for the rest of the month!

Report Infatuation · 150 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Yeah as a philosophy major, writing is a massive part of what we do and it's easily the toughest part of my studies. I'm so much more comfortable reading and even taking notes based off what I've read/heard. So more power to you, I commend that goal and hopefully I'll be able to have that same consistency

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