I'm writing a new, very fluffy, Fluttercord fic. · 6:23pm Nov 5th, 2021
In case you are interested, I had the inspiration to write a new Fluttercord fic. It's not clop, just a very homey, cozy kind of story. This time of year, when it gets cold and dark, I feel more like doing housework and cooking and bathing and burning candles, all these things that make you fell comforted at home. So inspired by that feeling, I'm writing a story that I hope people will enjoy. Stay tuned!
Sounds neat. Best of luck with that!
Fluffy and cozy Fluttercord? Sounds great! Looking forward to it.
Well, I'm already following... So... Yeah.
Yay sounds amazing and very interesting
I can't wait for see what you have planned.