• Member Since 2nd Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 16th, 2022


Q(^_^Q). The friendliest misanthrope you'll ever meet.

More Blog Posts608

  • 124 weeks
    Everfree Northwest

    Quick update. I'm at efnw this weekend if anyone wants to try and say hello. You can leave a message here, but discord would be best to send a dm. You can also keep an eye out for my metal gear solid / time traveling Twilight shirt. (I used to have a Twilight's dollhouse shirt but I can't find it and this is. The. Worst. Possible. Thing.)

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    7 comments · 838 views
  • 134 weeks
    June Update (6/19)


    • Writing Exercise
    • Everfree Northwest
    • Back to work on all the other stuff

    New One-Shot

    Hey all! It's been awhile. Apparently time flies, and the smoldering dumpster fire that is this tiny blue speck amongst the stars can be a bit distracting at times. Which is why I figured a little Escapism is in order!

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    3 comments · 485 views
  • 142 weeks
    24-04-22 Update

    Behold yet another date format.


    • I got a story!
    • Phishing
    • Writing
    • -. --- -. -....- . -..-
    • Everfree Northwest

    Starscribe Story

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    4 comments · 780 views
  • 146 weeks
    3-27-2022 Update

    Turns off Elden Ring
    Wow, it's been a while...


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    4 comments · 733 views
  • 152 weeks
    2-12-2022 update


    • Delaying next DoH3 chapter 1-2 days
    • Electricity finally fixed

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    2 comments · 447 views

Weekend Update 2021-10-30 · 12:49am Oct 31st, 2021


I need to meet more people interested in editing or helping me brainstorm ideas for 2 upcoming stories.

Stories this week:

TA Murder Of Crows
Hitch needs help to keep the town free of litter after hundreds of new ponies move to Maretime Bay. He recruits some crows to help, causing disturbing nightmares, before the feathered vigilantes begin attacking the town.
Kaidan · 12k words  ·  29  5 · 637 views

November Plans

It's Nano something month and we're supposed to write 50k words as some sort of motivational exercise, so why not use it as a reason to finally write the new Dash of Humanity story? At the end (maybe during) the month I can get it edited for a December release. I keep putting it off because it's a lot of work, and I'm so passionate about it I'm worried it'll bomb.

  • Dash of Humanity Sequel (50k words)
  • Twilight's Dollhouse 2 (1-2 chapters)
  • Ponified Without Consent 2 (1-2 chapters)

And maybe some one-shots.

A Murder of Crows

I did a Halloween story (and a blog to share some other great Halloween stories).

I was able to learn about the currently popular genres, apparently Dark Horror wasn't as popular now as in 2014. it was a bit weird to only be at 7 votes after 3 days. Apparently votes aren't publicly visible until 10 votes. (And you can embed stories, and randomize your read later lists... so many new features since I came back!)

Anyway, I'll be happy if the story reaches 10 votes by Halloween, so everyone can see the vote ratio. And a big draw of the fandom has always been socializing, and I can do that whether or not each story takes off. As part of writing this story, I got to hang out with AuroraDawn and n3k1dsk1llz and had a ton of fun, both writing and chatting with them. So there is still a very positive takeaway here.

Need Editors / pre-readers

For the Dash of Humanity sequel, and Twilight's Dollhouse 2, I could use someone to give two types of feedback: Grammar, and big-picture advice on which scenes work and don't work, how to resolve character arcs, etc... Normally an editor would get full access to the outline and the spoilers so they can give you feedback on each character's arcs and stuff. But I don't want to ask too much too early of someone.

We're all hobbyists, so I've been trying to figure out who wants to hang out and make small-talk with a bit of the aforementioned grammar stuff on the side. For instance, I have a favorite ending for Twilight's Dollhouse 2, but no idea if it fits the theme, tone, and will be accepted by readers. Could use someone to help me figure that out. And for Dash of Humanity, someone has to keep me true to the tone of the original and the personality of the main character.

If that sounds like you, let me know.

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