Changelings in G5 movie? Just a random thought. · 6:10pm Oct 12th, 2021
Okay the goo Canterlogic uses is a green sticky substance.
Where have we seen glue like green goo before that used to trap ponies? Changelings!
Of course I have no proof other then sticky green goo. It be interesting to see non-reformed Changlings in G5. I really don’t think the reformed kind would be working in Canterlogic.
I think they spit off on their own and prospered and actually created their own civilization without the ponies, through the idea that they could be responsible for the ponies division does sound interesting, I don't think they would have benefited from a build up in Zenophobia seeing they are out in the open now and any general increase of suspicion hostility cast on one tribe would be magnified ten fold seeing their abilities that would naturally make theme a prime target and would be the first target if anyone to sew mistrust with the unicorn and pegasis, if anything it actually started with the Chagenlling being alienated and then the others like thestrals, crystal ponies, Kirin's, zebras the donkeys then, their primary tribe finally splitting off.
For the story side I think the writers want to step away from G4 as much as possible and have decided to come up with other events that has happened that is not related to any of the natural theories that the fandom would like to come up with and have come up with their own reason to how the disappearance of magic happen and how they started to be divided to it's lowest point up to G5 time line.
Well, the ponies reverted to hating each other, so why couldn't changelings revert, too?
Well some rogue Changelings causing trouble could explain the split in the ponies.
It what Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow were doing. All it would take is for some villainous Changelings to try again several years later.
But I was just thinking about that green goo in the movie. It really does look like the stuff Changelings used.