Is it just me, or have the MLP movie been weirdly political? · 11:50am Oct 4th, 2021
I don't know how many of you've seen the new MLP movie but I felt it was weirdly intelligent with its allegories.
Some of you've probably heard about how the media thought Sprout was an allegory to D. Trump (Sr.) with his hair and fascistic tendencies, but honestly, I don't give too much credit to those ideas, firstly because Trump is many thing, but not a Fascist, secondly sprout was clearly red and not Orange.. However I do agree that the Earthpony city was an allegory to conservatives. They were very neat and tidy, in fact on first glance they almost seem like and ideal society (well at least as long you fall squarely among their ideas of how a member of a society should look like) but the moment the main characters left the town and took 90% of the town's common sense with them it immediately collapsed into and autocratic warmonger state led by the first idiot who was afraid in a different way than the community. They were also secretly lead by some industrialist who's main source of income was to capitalise on the fears of the common ponies. (well at least they were lead by her until her son took over)
Now the unicorns of the other hand were the left wing hippies. Traditionally unicorns in G4 often played the highest class of the society, but in this new film they were unkempt disjointed purposeless idiots who were so depressed they didn't even knew how to had fun, their main source of entertainment was some second rate poet telling shitty edgy poems and they all got triggered by hearing the wrong words. They also had to publicly go through some paganistic rituals to cleanse themselves of their sins
But what i liked the most were the pegasi. They were the centrist/depoliticised masses who were too preoccupied by watching a celebrity to realise they were living in town specifically designed for flying ponies despite the fact that none of the could fly. What better their idols whom they (partly) veneered because they managed to maintain some of the skills that should belong to everypony in the city, were complete frauds. If that's not the parody of the self made-man celebrity culture we have today I'm not sure what is. I honestly think the pegasi were one innovative drug company away from turning into the Brave New World.
While I do think Hollywood does have a very palpable bias toward one certain political ideology, I think watching movies like this remind how wonderful a medium film can be. Too bad they didn't really do anything with the brilliant world building, or at least nothing I could notice.
But these are just my thoughts and I'm happy to hear yours of course.
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i wach mlp movie and i love racism!!! i am happy that movie about racism prove racism wrong. my favorite scene in movie when the pony say other ponygood and then everyone agree with her because she too I pony and what are we if as people if not human. s o I think the movie have very important meaning behind racism and that we should all not be razist to gather.
also, do you use darkmode?