• Member Since 21st Jul, 2013
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If people only see me as a villain, may as well act the part

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  • 106 weeks
    She Always Comes Back

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  • 174 weeks
    MLP G5 Fanfic idea

    Caution: Spoilers

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  • 244 weeks
    Scrapping The Purple Mare

    I'm scrapping the purple mare in its current form due to how i want origins and its fellow ups to go and i fear the ideas i want to use will conflict with The Purple Mare's current canon

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  • 277 weeks
    Farewell FiM

    Well, its over. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is officially finished. Man, it sure was the best ride of my life. Despite what others may say, i'm hopeful for the 2020/2021 movie and G5.

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  • 343 weeks
    Poll time


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MLP G5 Fanfic idea · 5:12pm Oct 2nd, 2021

Caution: Spoilers

Set during the Glowin' Up section when Hitch is trying to sing it. Pipp smiles at him and two sing it as a duet and start dancing together, they start to fall for each other and go in to kiss just as Sunny and Izzy run past, accidentally knocking off Hitch's fake wings. Hitch backs away from her and runs after them as Zipp drops the gem. Cut to outside in the alley where the film plays out more or less the same, but then Pipp appears with the gem in hoof and asks Hitch what he was doing. After this, Pipp receives a message on her phone, its a breaking news alert of the gem going missing with footage of Pipp running after Hitch with it, she is now a wanted pony and decides to tag along with them.

The film after this point would play out more or less as it did, just the arguments between Zipp and Pipp are over them making Pipp look like a gem thief.

And maybe during the end where Sunny gets her wings, during the heat of the moment, Hitch kisses Pipp, realizes his mistake and backs away, only for Pipp to pull him in for a deep passionate kiss. (well, as passionate as you could get in a U/PG film)

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