PWC2 Update + Behind the Scenes · 5:18am Sep 23rd, 2021
So no fears, I've got 30% of the chapter. I guess it'll drop Friday/Saturday, when you're all distracted by the new movie...
Been a lot of distractions. Gen 5 in two days, gen 4, and tons of outlining and getting distracted by Dash of Humanity.
But also a bit of a motivation issue, like the "I spent all day at work waiting to get home and write, then I get home and can't get back up once I sit down." So I'm not sure there's a fix for that, I mean I heard cocaine was a hell of a drug back when it was legal, but this isn't an episode of "Mad Men" so I think I can safely say that's off the table.
Anyway, progress is being made! Berry and Blue Blood need a chapter to be introduced. Then we can see the repercussions of that little stunt the CMC pulled!
I'm hoping to have a burst of motivation to write after the Gen 5 movie drops. Who knows, I could totally pull a caffeine-fueled 30k words in a day writing binge. I've done it before, so the odds are a non-zero integer it could happen again.
And since I'm here rambling on how about some behind the scenes stuff?
Ponified Without Consent - Behind the Scenes: Characterization
If you like behind the scenes stuff, I was thinking of sharing parts of the writing process via blogs while working on the story, so let me know if this is in any way interesting.
So what better way to write a character than tropes? We gave each character a different trope so they'd all be a unique flavor of Human in Equestria. Also the tropes were picked by the author's writing them for the collab, so we picked our favorites. Yep, I chose to be the self-insert. While the author's have moved on, I still consider them "their characters" and am doing my best to keep them in the loop and feel a sense of ownership over how they're portrayed.
Apple Bloom
So Daemon_of_Decay went with the jerkass trope. She's grumpy, and she's not happy about being on an apple farm, doing chores, and otherwise being oppressed. Plus she loves mind altering substances in all their many forms, but mainly a stiff whisky and cigars. Too bad the age for that stuff is... older than however old the CMC is.
Sweetie Belle
Breath_of_Plagues chose Rule 43: The more beautiful and pure a thing is — the more satisfying it is to corrupt it. We were sort of going for a "lets stick everyone in their worst pony" thing but ran out of worst ponies... anyway, they want to just corrupt, defile, and destroy the idea that the show is a saccharine perfect world where nothing bad happens. Unfortunately, this puts them most at odds with... whatever it is... that is trying to keep Equestria pure.
The Self-insert trope! originally written by me. Scootaloo is the one who doesn't want to get home, because come on, I'm a magic freaking cartoon pony and the canon says I'm gonna get taken under Best-Pony's wings and taught to fly! So naturally, Scootaloo may ruffle some feathers with the other two who are a lot less thrilled to be here.
Berry Punch
Seven Fates was the Shipper on Deck! With best OTP's in hand, and an adorable little sister to take care of, and what I'm pretty sure is a culinary degree, Berry has a lot going on! She stands out from the fillies that are human, but as a town drunk it's not like she can convince anypony there's been a terrible mistake and she's trapped in a fan fic of Equestria... or is there?
Blue Blood
Someone needed to take things seriously, and that was TypeWriterError. Every comedy needs a straight man in the midst of the comedy and insanity... that's also a female waking up as a stallion. Rich? Check. Nobility? Check. Credibility? Big Zero. Blue Blood is into some strange kinky stuff... like the kind of stuff that involves a dozen mares in nurse outfits trying to 'give you a shot' so you don't escape your house-arrest and embarrass Celestia at another social event. I guess being sane doesn't help when you're Blue Blood.
Other Criteria
The second criteria for characters was that each of our HiE characters needs to be unreliable enough to not just "take it straight to Celestia" and get it fixed. Because honestly, where would the fun be if they just went back home in chapter 2?
Honorable mentions that didn't make it into the story as hoo-mans:
- Pinkie - because she's so random no pony would believe she was human, and she could pull all sorts of 'human' stuff out of her mane and generally freak everyone out
- Lyra - the poster-pony for HiE.
Which character are you liking so far? Which character would you have been if you were one of the Humans stuck in Equestria? Let me know in the comments.
Also don't forget to like, subscribe, and ring... wait why doesn't fim fiction have social media integration? It's 2021. Can I at least get a tiktok button? I need to know what you'd do with me if I couldn't say no for 24 hours. Actually on second thought, how do I delete this entire blog?
I liked Berry Punch chapter the most.
I have to deal with that myself and all I can really say is that it sucks. I typically need about an hour of unwind time every week before I can start to write again, which is why you'll see I get the most done during long holidays (like christmas and new-years).