I'm Not Dead · 11:47pm Aug 31st, 2021
As the title suggests, I am not dead.
I know it's been a while since my last update, either on the story, or of my progress. But don't lose faith. It's taking a bit longer than I intended, but the rewrites are still underway. They're over half done, now. The deeper I get into the story, the more gets added and improved. I'm quite excited for it, and have even got some pretty well-known authors helping me out to iron out some of the issues from before.
Yeah, sorry It's taking so long, though. These aren't simple rewrites. In fact, they're completely rewritten from a blank page. BUT I PROMISE IT WILL BE WORTH IT. The story is vastly improved. Even I'm willing to admit that. New plot threads have been introduced, the pacing is changed, and there have even been completely new scenes added. But, I've put in a lot of work to ensure that the same basic frame of the original is still left intact. As well, as the main themes and tone.
I promise, I'll be done soon.
I hope you'll keep sticking around for it,
In for the long hall, kid.
You're an awesome writer take all the time you need