• Member Since 15th Mar, 2012
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For Equestria!

More Blog Posts11

  • 116 weeks
    Wasn't There Supposed To Be A New Chapter?

    I haven't forgot! I have a functionally finished chapter with most of the necessary polish. Just getting some extra special help to make this as good as it can be! You're in for a real treat!

    In the meantime, I'm working on the Final Chapter and Epilogue now! You can expect a lot of One For The Road this month I think; when it rains, it pours!

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  • 120 weeks
    Chapter 33 2/2? Soon!

    Hello, Ponies! Goodness, it's been over two months since a new chapter. You'd think with all my *ahem* "free time" I'd get a chapter out! Unfortunately, It seems without structure and schedule I just fly in circles.

    I want something out by the end of this month! I have a... currently unreadable rough draft I intend to forge into something better.

    1 comments · 170 views
  • 130 weeks
    Chapter 33 Soon!

    Don't worry, the story isn't dead! A new chapter is coming out Friday night, come Tartarus or high water! Lots of new job and life stuff has been happening plus the ending is... a lot of drama and action that I've been visualizing and feeling for far too long. It's been over two years now... (The last chapter isn't the next but hilariously close to it.)

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  • 143 weeks
    Chapter 32 Soon

    This chapter is complicated, technically. I hope you'll enjoy it when it comes out this month.
    Still fully intend to meet my secret "story complete by May 1st" deadline. The finale is going to be disgustingly fun but also easier to write, I think. : ) Just wanted to tell you I'm still working on it. It'll come when it's ready! :twilightsmile:

    2 comments · 280 views
  • 146 weeks

    Going to be at Harmonycon this weekend! Leave me a message here or contact me through Discord if you want to hang out!

    My other con plans this year are Ponyville Ciderfest and, tentatively, Trotcon.

    Come be weird with me! Pretty safe bet there's probably going to be alcohol~

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No New Chapter This Calendar Month · 1:23am Aug 31st, 2021

Anyone who patiently waits for each new chapter (sorry) I assume you've come to notice a pattern on the last dozen or so: it shows up sometime at the end of the month. That's usually just the kind of arbitrary fire under me I need to get it out. This time I got burned I guess!

When will it be out? When it gets out. It was pretty close to being finished, but it needs several things rearranged and beaten into place. I would be surprised and ashamed if it takes two more weeks at my usual pace.

(This is the part where I make excuses. But that's boring. Let's skip to the fun bit.)

There's lots of really fun things coming! And some not so fun things! The Author's Note for this chapter is going to be crazy!

Comments ( 2 )

No worries - if we have to wait a little to get thw quality ee're used to from you, it is worth it. When a new chapture comes out, it's like a birthday/Christmas present, and just as welcome. Well, at least I get a joyful feeling from them.

Hope it’s all going okay, just know we are happy to wait patiently for more of your quality work. Hope life is going okay.

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