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Dexter's Lab Equestria Update - Call for Proof Readers / Chapter Editors · 11:13am Aug 23rd, 2021

Hey all!
Whew, its been a long time since I’ve updated. I’ll talk more about that in my A/N notes in the actual chapter.

However, in the mean time I am eager to get the chapter in shape for release, and for that I am asking for a few volunteers to proof read the most recent draft (This most recent draft has reached a state where I am no longer going to add anymore content for the chapter.) I did a once over already, but I know I missed stuff. (Give me a break, its 25,000 words long.)

If you’re willing to proof-read or act as an editor for this upcoming chapter, just send me a PM/DM. When I come back online in a few hours, I will send you back the link to the google docs where the chapter is stored.

Obviously, helping out will spoil the next chapter for you as you will be reading it early. I also reserve the right to edit/remove/add anything to it before publishing.

Now, I’ve been up all night at work so I’m going to crash. So sorry if this blog update is a bit short, but I wanted to post it now so I can get the chapter out sooner.

Thanks again.

Report RenegadeAlias · 1,404 views · Story: Dexter's Lab: Equestria ·
Comments ( 26 )

Wish I could help you but I think I’d be an awful editor and miss things that aren’t obvious. If you can’t find enough people though hit me up. I’ve never done this before but I’m sure my help would be better than nothing if no one else steps forward. Also glad to see the next chapters almost out. Hope you’re doing okay.

I would like to try if possible

I'll help. Also, given the sheer size of the chapter, it might be more productive to have everyone focus on specific sections of the story, such as pages 1-20, just so nothing gets missed.

… why i’m crying

a ya I remember this story

thanks for keeping them alive

Son’t… just don’t, give me hope like that. My heart can’t take it…

Dammed it's been 4 years since the last chapter.

I thought you’d be drowning in people offering to proof read the next chapter for within the first day of this announcement but seeing as that’s not happening I think I will volunteer to be a proof reader after all.

Well, he did say to PM him.

A part of me wants to volunteer, for this was one of my favorite crossovers. But english is not my first language, despite having an "International" education; and I have just started working and moving to another city.
In the time it took this to update I finished Med School and began to work, fancy that😅.

Lucky you, I’ve been trying to go to med school but havent gotten into one despite all the admissions officers saying that I qualify and should make it.

I put this down for a long time, but had not forgot about it.

All im going to say is that we are still waiting on Half Life 3 :P

I will gladly volunteer.


~*Happy Tinman Noises*~

It's alive. IT'S ALIVE!!!!

Holy moly, I just visited this story yesterday after a whole year! :pinkiegasp:
What lucky timing!
Happy to see the new chapter coming soon! :heart:

Well Half Life 3 is at least confirmed at the ending of Alyx

I don't mind helping. Are there more people to split the work?

Basically, I’m letting whoever wants to read it do so. But they have the option to correct spelling/grammar/typos as well as offer suggestions on story/plot.

Let me know if you want to read it.

Sure, I'll read it. I'll make sure to find some mistakes and correct them.

(Hint: There is something you have to do first before getting the link to the chapter.)

i would love to support you good author but 4 years and some change and i want to go into this chapter blind and hungry for the possibilities of dexter and celestia. if u continue this story or start a new one, or open up a donation link, i'm down to help proof-read or financially chip in.

It's being revived?

I've helped out with editing/proofreading quite a few stories, so I wouldn't mind helping out.

So there will be another Chapter right

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