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My Review of The Suicide Squad (2021) · 12:24am Aug 19th, 2021

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws
8/10–a great film with numerous flaws but not enough to ruin it
7/10—a fun and entertaining movie; not great but still enjoyable
6/10—a slightly above average film; it is something I might watch again
5/10—mediocre movie; not awful but not great either
4/10—a below average film; it could have been much better
3/10—a bad film; poorly written and poorly executed
2/10—a very bad movie; the few good things in the movie overshadowed by the bad things
1/10—a terrible movie; a total waste of time
0/10—a worthless piece of abomination; should have never been made

Greetings to all my DC family and casual fans! This is yours truly back with another DC film to review! We are talking about yet another awesome-blossom 2021 movie: The Suicide Squad! Yeah, this movie is called THE Suicide Squad as opposed to how the first movie was just called Suicide Squad without the “the” article. That lets us know that this movie is the one TRUE Suicide Squad movie that actually lives up to its name. Now, I remember saying in my last year’s review of the original film saying that I found it to be entertaining despite the flaws it has. To be honest, I haven’t watched that movie ever since then until I recently rewatched a couple of YouTube videos containing scenes I liked.

Just last night, I was able to watch this new one for the first time with an open mind regardless of the R rating. After watching it, I gotta say... it was amazing. It was jaw-dropping, unpredictable, and utterly enjoyable to the full maximum. Words cannot express enough how I actually enjoyed watching this wonderful work of art. Granted it’s nowhere perfect, but it was admittedly a massive improvement over the original in almost every way.

I cannot lie, this movie actually made me forget the first film even existed; as a matter of fact, I am starting to consider this as a much better movie than the first Suicide Squad. This one has actual character development, solid chemistry, humorous interaction, badass lines of dialogue, and satisfying action scenes. Meet a whole new cast of obscure characters without any unnecessary title card introductions while we meet again with Margot Robbie reprising her role as Harley Quinn.

Speaking of whom, Margot Robbie was born to play as Harley. She perfectly nails the character with her tone, her body language, mannerisms, and personality. This film actually made enough room for her to grow as a character unlike how she was in the first movie. There was (thankfully) no Joker—especially Jared Leto’s version—to get in the way of her character development. I love that James Gunn gave her enough screen time on her own as she fought her way to find her buddies as well as showcase how cunning, skillful, and bloody dangerous she is even on her own. This film did her a lot more justice than the first movie and Birds of Prey ever did.

As for Bloodsport, he may not be Deadshot but he was still a force to be reckoned with. He is basically a new Deadshot but is played by Idris Elba and has just the same entertaining personality as does the actual Deadshot. For him to likewise grow as a character and get over his own fears, doubts, and troubles was very satisfying.

Now let’s talk about the MVP and star of the movie, folks: KING SHARK!!!

Man, Sylvester Stallone had one hell of a time voicing the beast himself. Why couldn’t Killer Croc be this good of a character with much better CGI modeling? King Shark was just a precious nom-nom big boy with a big heart... along with a taste for human flesh. The chemistry and interaction with Ratcatcher 2 was really sweet and well-written. May the king get all the delicious nom-noms for being such a good boy! He looks very cute too. 🥺

Props to John Cena for playing as Peacemaker (more like Troublemaker), Viola Davis as Amanda Waller, Daniela Melchior as Ratcatcher 2, David Dastmalchian as Abner Krill, Joel Kinnaman as Flag, and James Gunn for directing this absolute fun adventure.

If there were some things I didn’t like in the film, the primary thing I hated was the cruel bird abuse. As a lover of birds, I despise how they kept killing off birds in two main scenes in the movie. It was so unnecessary. WHY, JAMES GUNN?! WHY?! The birds did nothing wrong!! I love birds! 😤

Secondly, they wasted Captain Boomerang in the beginning just like that. No other Suicide Squad film (live-action/animated) has ever killed off a consistent member of the squad, namely Deadshot, Harley, and Boomerang. It completely caught me off-guard and shocked me. He is one of my favorite characters in DC, and yet they killed him off for no apparent reason. Were people sick and tired of seeing him escape death every time or something? That pissed me off. That and they also wasted Michael Rooker’s character to give more spotlight to other characters. At least a gold finch was able to feed on his corpse later on. Haha, that’s what he gets for killing that other innocent gold finch. Karma’s real, folks.

Overall, I give this movie credit for proving itself to be infinitely superior to the first film with great humor, awesome action scenes, solid character development, good writing, excellent CGI and choreography, and fan-favorite characters. I give this a 9/10. Well done, James Gunn, you made a better movie.

Peace out, DC fans.

Comments ( 4 )

Nom-nom? Yeah, King Shark was fun. I, along with my mother and sister, loved him.

Good riddance to the bird murderers! Step away from our feathery friends >:)

(This isn’t gonna change anything for Venom 2, is it?)

I KNEW you were going to ask that. Honestly, I do want to give it a chance, but I’m not a fan of horror films. Since it’s labeled as horror/sci-fi, it doesn’t sit well with me.

Alright, that’s just fine 👍

Yeah...that whole beach scene was nuts...especially Boomerang's death; if there are constants in Task Force X, it's him, Deadshot, and Harley.

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