• Member Since 17th Jun, 2018
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Constantly distracted by shenanigans. Empowered by comments/messages. Exists as something between utter trash and the alicorn of comedy.

More Blog Posts21

  • 166 weeks
    Reboot(s) incoming.

    You know what? I think I'm ready to repopen some old stories. Specifically, Error Code: FiO, Tale of a Comet: White Light, and Half past ten.

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  • 167 weeks
    Audience participation time!

    I'm writing an intermission chapter before the next big story arc of potion shop. It's titled "Arca gets on a train and nothing interesting happens, I swear."

    What MLP character should Arca encounter on the train? And why that character in particular?

    No wrong answers.

    18 comments · 314 views
  • 168 weeks
    Phoenixfur (I'm back! Ask me stuff?)

    Yeah, I'm back. And honestly I could use a bit of a soundboard to get my creativity flowing at max again. So if you have any questions for me, ask away! I can also try to answer in-character for any of my characters from prank war or the potion shop.

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  • 243 weeks
    Writing trouble

    I'm gonna be honest. These last two months have been super tough for me. Not asking for pity or anything, but I've had to put my dog down and my Grandfather's been in and out of ICU for a while now with brain surgeries.

    Mentally, I'm just exhausted.

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  • 252 weeks
    Ashfur crashes the barcast!

    For those of you who are insane enough to enjoy what I write and happen to watch the barcast podcast weekly, good* news! I'm the guest this week!

    So hop on over to the Questions thread to ask me anything you want to hear me talk about. Hope to see you all there!

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    4 comments · 289 views

Audience participation time! · 8:08pm Jul 31st, 2021

I'm writing an intermission chapter before the next big story arc of potion shop. It's titled "Arca gets on a train and nothing interesting happens, I swear."

What MLP character should Arca encounter on the train? And why that character in particular?

No wrong answers.

Report Ashfur · 314 views · Story: The Potion Shop ·
Comments ( 18 )

Pinkie Pie because that’d create a riff in space-time that everypony would watch in horror.

i want to see what would happen if arca would meet a kirin. its bound to get spicy.

A random alicorn on his commute.


Why? Because Arca is missing out when it comes to spittakes.

Fluttershy going out on her first trip to study the breezies

A pony arca meets on a train?

Starlight and Sunburst.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders possibly?

Oh god people are commenting
I forgot my words carry weight here
I forgot I am FUNNY here

There should be a throwaway gag involving Steven Magnet where someone asks how the heck he even managed to fit on the train and his response doesn't really answer the question. Alternatively, some other character you can use to do exactly the same joke.

"How did you get on?"
"I bought a ticket."
"No, how did you get in the train?"
"The door."

Tbh I had to do a quick memory searchto realize who you were talking about

Obviously Arca needs to run into his good friend (at least to him) Dotted Line, Cabinet Secretary of the Equestrian Civil Service, much to Dotted's consternation. There wouldn't even need to be any bizarre happenings. I should imagine Dotted's desperate need try and stay in control of the situation while getting Arca as far away from him as possible without causing An IncidentTM could suffice.

Arca encounters discord, again….
Leave that up to interpretation

Ember the dragon emperor because why not


Thorax, cause changelings needs loves too.

No wait, even better. Cranky the donkey, cause we need more hair potions.

I would like to take this moment to remind you all that
A) In the potion shop's canon, Discord's initjal takeover lasted an unknown period of time until Tia and Luna found the Elements of Harmony, and
B) Arca was alive at this point, and already working as the Royal Alchemist. He had yet to attain his alicornhood at that point, but was only slightly less reckless and crazy. (After all, he was mortal at that point. Being nigh-invulnerable leads to reclessness, and reclessness leads to jumping into a pool full of boiling nacho cheese.)


Pinkie pie because why not

I know your response to 5562655 amounted to "he was alive during Discord's original takeover" but I'd still love to see the prequel tackle the specifics.

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