I couldn't tell you why I still have a FIMFiction tab open on my browser, and I can't even tell you the last time I clicked onto it. I think it's realistic that posting this is the last major activity I'll grant the site.
According to the info blurb beside my name, this is the ten-year anniversary of this account. And to think, this all started with me doing self-insert riffs on bad MLP fiction. And now I've got two finished stories under my belt, a crossover atrophying in a forgotten corner, and two other projects completely pony-unrelated I've finally put some words down for*. And also the last vestiges of my
This month, we're finally, finally finishing that riff of a riff we started god knows how long ago. We've spliced in a tiny Christmas story in there too.
Ultra-late, so not gonna waste time. Finished story riff here and finished comic riff here, new story riff here, and new comic riff here. And because we fucked up and got this out so late, it runs until the end of the month.