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I have a theory about Loki · 6:20pm Jul 8th, 2021

Well really, I'm stealing a theory from Rob from Geek Culture Explained.

See I initially thought that the TVA was led by Kang the Conqueror. It fits and it would be a great way to introduce him into the MCU.

Then, after a like research (Comics explain on Kang the Conqueror and Immortus.)I thought it was going to be Immortus.

Then rob mentioned something. It's probably a Loki that's running the TVA. Like Allfather Emperor Loki.

Here's my theory as to why.

He's the only Loki who ever won.

He wants to be the only Loki that ever won, so he made the TVA to keep track of all the other Lokis so that they could never "win" like he did. Every other Loki has to fail.

More than that, maybe throw in a little Immortus. He escaped wherever he was, entered Limbo and encountered the Time Keepers, the actual Time Keepers. They say, "Hey, you work for us on keeping the timeline clean, and we'll teach you how time works. Now two thoughts, either A) they died fighting something, or B) he stabbed them in the back and just took over their position. (I'm leaning towards B.) Now this Loki has a castle at the End of Time where he keeps watch over the timelines/multiverse and has the TVA pick off Lokis that might achieve something. Maybe because, End of Time he can see the possibities of said Lokis and that's how he knows who to Prune.

Additional Theory:
Classic Loki made a Hard Illusion focused on his crown and made himself invisible, so he's still alive somewhere. In just one episode he became my favorite Loki. He felt like he stepped out of the 1960's comics.

Report LucidDreamer · 154 views · #Loki #MCU
Comments ( 3 )

I bet is Twilight Sparkle, purely because she's the voice of the clock thingy.
:rainbowhuh: Why are you doing this!?
:twilightblush: You don't understand, the timeline must be perfect!

Ms. Minutes is behind it all XD

Pretty sure we have to call her Midnight when she's an evil alternate universe counterpart... and that also works pretty well as a (nick)name for an evil clock!

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