• Member Since 19th Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Night Frost 18

Lithuanian brony I never going offline because i think i forgot my password :)

More Blog Posts10

  • 144 weeks
    A broken Loyalty

    Those who try to hold on to their loyalty of family, friends and work.
    And failed, that's what happened.
    I have failed twice to mend their loyalties but humans are stubborn and stupid, never listening to the other side.

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  • 196 weeks
    A new beginning or a restart

    I dislike it. You know momments when you choose decisions and you choose those moments knowing they will stay with you until the moment.

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    0 comments · 91 views
  • 322 weeks
    The breaking moment is here

    Today I had one hard breading moment and everyone was worried but it was a dud so now I am grounded and I cannot go to college tomorrow and it was the only day for the week and college is freedom from home. Because I am not with a good standing of understanding with the family. But that was not that scared me. The reason that is because

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    0 comments · 118 views
  • 397 weeks
    The moment is nearing

    This blog will be short but my moment is nearing about when i get the answers for my college it will show where my standing in the world will be.

    Just short while my brother just broke me with a simple sentence and i cried until a breaking point and that sentence translate into that i am a useless person.

    And he tells a truth i am a failure as a brother, a man and a human being.

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    0 comments · 201 views
  • 415 weeks
    Please free my sins

    Every time I watch, read, learn and feel.
    And every time I wished to speak and share.
    But the road doesn't want me to be there.
    But I broke the first brony rule and that is to love and tolerate.
    On Monday I lied to a friend, made a cruel joke to a friend and left him on a lunch time.
    For the sins I have made to carry on my shoulders.

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A new beginning or a restart · 9:01pm May 11th, 2021

I dislike it. You know momments when you choose decisions and you choose those moments knowing they will stay with you until the moment.
Well I decided to expand my view. How do you expand your view by not leaving the house by going on social media and for some reason I went on twitter even though I'm not that social because I have a friend who also is a brony because he said it to watch twitch video when we were at work so if you want to know where I go there is a hint on my friends latest video https://m.twitch.tv/firedustoffical.


So we'll see if this decision is for the better or for the worst either way i'll get a laught from him

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