I Missed May the Fourth · 12:55am May 6th, 2021
So alas, I must stay alert for the Revenge of the Fifth!
Star Wars was a big film phenomenon when it first came out; few believed it could take off the way that it did. It didn't even win many awards for direction when it first came out, but rather, for editing! & the first one was subperbly edited, BTW. Moreso than any of the prequels or sequels. Without such good editing, it was bound to fail.
Here is the story behind how good editing saved the day:
Also known as why Marcia Lucas was incredibly important to Star Wars...
--Sweetie Belle
In case you missed Revenge of the Fifth, there's always Revenge of the Sixth. Or should it be called Execute Order Sixty Sixth?
Anyway, given how I try to make every episode of TAWOTA last fifteen minutes when I have enough dialogue to last more than that, I know the importance of good editing.
And why it was a mistake for her and George to get a divorce.