• Member Since 19th Apr, 2019
  • offline last seen Wednesday


Late status change again, how y’all doing?

More Blog Posts1238

  • 1 week

    I gotta unpublish some of my stories, man, These are horrible :facehoof:

    1 comments · 31 views
  • 3 weeks
    Art commissions are OPEN

    Yep! Trying again with these! If anyone is interested, send me a PM!

    0 comments · 18 views
  • 4 weeks
    PSA (I guess)

    Although I'm not in the LGBTQ community, or a woman, or a person of color, I can feel the stress that everyone's going to go through. Although I am not any of those, I give support and love to those who are, and want to take the journey of sticking together with them.

    0 comments · 47 views
  • 4 weeks
    No words.

    Without fully diving into detail, I have no words. Nothing can describe how angry I am. Towards the final results from last night, towards the one that won, and especially to all the ones that contributed to making it happen. Stay as far away from me as possible.

    We’re fucked.

    Read More

    8 comments · 155 views
  • 5 weeks

    If I opened comms with, like, 15-20 dollar prices, would anyone take ‘em?

    1 comments · 31 views

Doing a QnA · 9:17pm Apr 12th, 2021

Hey guys! Just holding a simple Q/A.

Feel free to ask me anything.

Report ScorchingFlamesInc · 371 views · #Q/A
Comments ( 10 )

Can you answer this question?

That was the question :)

I have a question, Do you think or believe Gen 5 would revive Cozy Glow, Chrysalis and Tirek as the first 3 villains for the G5?

If so what would the scene looks like and is it possible to reform after all this time?. Remember this is takes place after the G4 so mane 6 is gone, so is student 6 and maybe twilight?

Hey Leo in the reformverse series since Cozy Glow is now studying at the school of friendship, Is there a chance that she would have a crush on a colt and would we see Tirek and Chrysalis as the acting mom and dad to give her advice on being in love? :pinkiehappy: :raritystarry:

Yeah, it’s open until I say it’s closed.

Okay. So were Leo's friends from Dusk of Troubled Views based from your real life friends?

Leo I have a question :pinkiehappy: Who is Cozy Glow's crush? :twilightsmile:

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