Had I known of the privating of the subreddits at an earlier time... · 9:35pm Mar 25th, 2021
I could have used that opportunity to boost the TAWOTA subreddit:
Since I didn't know of the drama beforehand, I didn't make the subreddit private. But even if I did, I still wouldn't private the subreddit because, if the subreddit is private, only the members of that particular subreddit can access it and (if I recall correctly) you need to be invited to enter a private subreddit. So if my subreddit was still public and if I invited a couple of friends (and one secret alt account), we could post memes on the subreddit until more people started noticing. And the more people on the subreddit, the more memes.
But alas, it was not meant to be.
Oh, well. Maybe it's for the best. I currently only completed two episodes of TAWOTA and, let's be honest here, it's kinda hard to milk memes out of two episodes of a cartoon when the episodes in question last about fifteen minutes each. Though if word got out that I had shortened those episodes to fit the self-imposed fifteen-minute time frame, maybe a 'ReleaseTheLeondudeCut' movement could be born (even though I intend on the full, uncensored versions of those episodes to be released on DVD or on some other method that I can profit off of).