• Member Since 14th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 15th, 2016


More Blog Posts11

  • 622 weeks
    One Year Closer to Oblivion

    Yup. Turned 19 today. Didn't go nearly as bad as I thought it would. Some pony cake, some pony figures, and a new mouse made for a not-half-bad birthday. I might watch Ghost in the Shell to round off an unusually good day before getting back onto my schoolwork. As for what's been going on with my writing, I guess it was just for the best that I didn't touch it these past few weeks. I think I'll

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    2 comments · 589 views
  • 629 weeks
    Late Ponyversary

    Well, it may be two days late, but I figured I'd raise a drink anyway to a whole year at FiMFic. Looking back, I realise I haven't accomplished nearly as much as I would like. Two unfinished fics that haven't been updated in a while and several other non-fic projects keep staring me in the face asking with tears in their eyes, "When are you going to get back to us?" But it's not all bad. I just

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    3 comments · 369 views
  • 640 weeks
    Return to Form

    Hello all. So, after a long absence I've decided to get myself fully back into the storytelling game. After compiling a list of all the projects I left unfinished before becoming a recluse, I can see I have some busy weeks ahead of me. As it stands, here are all of the unfinished projects I need to get back to work on.

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  • 648 weeks
    My Little Paintball Featured Character(s) #3

    Alrighty. Sorry about the delayed update, but to get the character of Doctor Whooves right, I actually started watching episodes of Doctor Who. Next thing I know, I can't stop and I have yet another thing to add to my long list of things I enjoy. I'd like to give a huge thank you to Conicer, who graciously provided cover art for this fic (it really does have that over-the-top movie poster feel to

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  • 652 weeks
    My Little Paintball Featured Character #2

    Alrighty. With a three-way tie between Doctor Whooves, the Mayor, and Roid Rage (at one vote each), I've chosen the good Doctor as the featured character for the next chapter. As for the chapter following that (Chapter 5), the featured character(s) will be decided by whoever guesses the following riddle correctly first:

    "I was here before you,
    But I've helped you to grow.

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One Year Closer to Oblivion · 4:08am Nov 29th, 2012

Yup. Turned 19 today. Didn't go nearly as bad as I thought it would. Some pony cake, some pony figures, and a new mouse made for a not-half-bad birthday. I might watch Ghost in the Shell to round off an unusually good day before getting back onto my schoolwork. As for what's been going on with my writing, I guess it was just for the best that I didn't touch it these past few weeks. I think I'll be ready to start up again this Saturday and after the first week in December (when my first semester ends), I'll have a full month of nothing to do but write. I'm going to do all I can to finish MLPaintball (which might be easier said than done, considering it spans at least four days and the first one is only just about to be finished). When that's done I may or may not continue Polestar, depending on my level of confidence in the story. I have another much bigger story I've been dying to write for ages and I might begin some time in January or February. Until then, I'll just keep pushing through this semester. And eat cake...

Dammit, Rarity...

Report SweeneyXoz · 589 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Happy Birthday

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!:pinkiehappy:

Now about this writing month...:ajsmug:

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