• Member Since 15th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Saturday


For Equestria!

More Blog Posts11

  • 117 weeks
    Wasn't There Supposed To Be A New Chapter?

    I haven't forgot! I have a functionally finished chapter with most of the necessary polish. Just getting some extra special help to make this as good as it can be! You're in for a real treat!

    In the meantime, I'm working on the Final Chapter and Epilogue now! You can expect a lot of One For The Road this month I think; when it rains, it pours!

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  • 120 weeks
    Chapter 33 2/2? Soon!

    Hello, Ponies! Goodness, it's been over two months since a new chapter. You'd think with all my *ahem* "free time" I'd get a chapter out! Unfortunately, It seems without structure and schedule I just fly in circles.

    I want something out by the end of this month! I have a... currently unreadable rough draft I intend to forge into something better.

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  • 130 weeks
    Chapter 33 Soon!

    Don't worry, the story isn't dead! A new chapter is coming out Friday night, come Tartarus or high water! Lots of new job and life stuff has been happening plus the ending is... a lot of drama and action that I've been visualizing and feeling for far too long. It's been over two years now... (The last chapter isn't the next but hilariously close to it.)

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  • 143 weeks
    Chapter 32 Soon

    This chapter is complicated, technically. I hope you'll enjoy it when it comes out this month.
    Still fully intend to meet my secret "story complete by May 1st" deadline. The finale is going to be disgustingly fun but also easier to write, I think. : ) Just wanted to tell you I'm still working on it. It'll come when it's ready! :twilightsmile:

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  • 146 weeks

    Going to be at Harmonycon this weekend! Leave me a message here or contact me through Discord if you want to hang out!

    My other con plans this year are Ponyville Ciderfest and, tentatively, Trotcon.

    Come be weird with me! Pretty safe bet there's probably going to be alcohol~

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2020 Schedule and Tentative 2021 Schedule! · 4:29am Dec 27th, 2020

Okay! Here's the plan for the rest of the year:
I got at least one chapter in the final proofreading stage and one more that's nearly ready for that as well. You know how this time of the year is though. So at least one more chapter for sure!

The chapter after that has been planned for a long time coming so that should come out quickly. So I didn't finish my overly ambitious goal to finish the story by the end of the year. You know what that means? Just going to re-assess my pacing and life situation, set new milestones and keep trying! Ironically we were a lot closer to almost reaching the original ending to this fic. Tentatively, I'd like to finish up by the one year mark: May 1st, 2021. I think that's more than reasonable for my awkward pace. Like I've said before, we're more than 2/3 done. I'll let you all know more when I do.

Anyway, stay safe out there!

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