A Brief Update on Friendship Souls · 10:02am Nov 28th, 2020
Hey folks, just need to let you guys know that, firstly, probably going to be another day or two to finish up the current chapter. Thanksgiving plans sort of put a dent in my usual time allotment for writing this week.
And on that same note, for the month of December I'm putting a very short, one month break in. No worries, I'll still be writing Friendship Souls, but for December holidays I'm going to take it a bit easy, not just for Christmas, but because, I'll have no shame admitting that due to Cyberpunk 2077 coming out, I'm going to be rather focused on that for that month. My plan is still write and have a chapter ready to go by the end of December, then resume my usual attempts at a two-week schedule.
Thank you all for your patience, and I hope you all have a good holiday season. Stay safe out there everyone.
Ahh, you sure one month will be enough? I mean, it's Cyberpunk. The main storyline is only shorter than Witcher 3, and there are side quests.
But seriously, Happy Holidays. Enjoy your time off.
Heh, might not be enough time for me to 100% complete the game, but I think it'll be enough to satisfy me to the point that I won't be too distracted to do anything else. I mean, if I try to write much in the first couple of weeks of getting that game, then the Friendship Souls crew will suddenly start using Night City slang and abruptly gain cybernetic enhancements out of nowhere.
Fair enough. I have trouble getting any writing in at all these days.
You've put out plenty of chapters, if you want to take a break, you have more than earned it.
That's fine, can't fault a guy for wanting to take a break.
Have fun and I hope you have a merry Hearth's Warming.
Enjoy your holidays, and game time. You've been able to consistently produce substantial new chapters at a rate most on this site balk at. Take all the time you need, we'll still be here when you're ready.
Weeeeell, Twilight's already working on those, isn't she? The hand, the legs, the visor. And I think Sunset, Dash and Pinkie would speak the slang fluently. Boy they would love that game.