• Member Since 15th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Jan 9th, 2023


I just really like worldbuilding!

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I drew my poner · 9:36am Nov 27th, 2020

Waypoint watching Youtube on his tablet - Drawn by Me!

I'm a beginner artist, who for the last month or so been trying to really get into the swing of drawing stuff. Practicing shapes, looking at references to see how they could be drawn, asking for advice, etc etc. It's hard stuff, and I've come to realize that the best teacher is simply going to be trial and error; failing and then asking/looking for help for the stuff I failed on.

This is what brings me to this pic. I did this over the course of today, and I liked it enough to want to share it with people. I should state that the bed is 85% traced, although I don't think that's the worst thing to do. Scenery is difficult, and I'm thinking that for future pics I may mock up a scene in Blender and trace over that for my BG. My pony (pose and all) is 0% traced, and I'm actually pretty happy with how I got his body positioned.

So yeah! Hopefully more drawings to come, and more stories too down the line.

PS: very late to say, but Happy Thanksgiving! I hope it was a good one for you.

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