• Member Since 8th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen October 11th

Witching Hour

This is my circus and these are my monkeys aren't they? Carp.

More Blog Posts125

  • 81 weeks
    Ch8 of Minutor Crystallum

    So... Thanks to copious assistance from Jim, I've managed to finally finish chapter 9, so that means..... I can post chapter 8!

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  • 103 weeks
    New VV story!

    Hey folks! So! While I've not been able to write a lot lately, I've been helping others in my group... And our dear Honorary Troll, Avellana, has finally finished writing a good portion of her story, The Dying of the Light! Go read and review peeps!

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    1 comments · 135 views
  • 109 weeks
    Ch7 of MoaMC

    Alright! It's finally ready to post! I finished Chapter 8 Tuesday night, but I'm making it a habit to sit on a chapter an extra day once I finish the next one just so that I don't like... have to go back a bunch to fix things, I guess...

    Chapter 9's gonna be a while in progress, so no breath-holding okay? :raritywink:

    Love & Light!

    0 comments · 117 views
  • 115 weeks
    Another update! At last!!!

    So... Birthday happened... it was good... I've been doing a lot of cross-stitch lately, and my darling husband let me buy a bunch of patterns... Unfortunately, this has meant I needed to go on a shopping spree at my local craft store to buy all the thread colors I need for it... My receipt is around THREE FEET LONG.... Worst part? I'm still missing a couple colors. 😭

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    0 comments · 176 views
  • 122 weeks
    Wooooo!!! New update!!!

    SO!!! I finished chapter 6 a while ago, but I held off on posting Chapter 5 for MoaMC because I was afraid I'd reread it and either scrap it... or toss out a whole section or something silly/stupid like that!!! However, I've reread it a couple times, and I haven't done anything like that, so I added the author note and it's up! Woooooo!!!

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WAIT!!! COME BACK!!! · 4:17pm Nov 22nd, 2020

I call desperately to my muses as they go back to their poker game... or Bora Bora... One or the other.......

So... Yes... I've sorta stalled on Chapter 4 for Monkey's story... I'm TRYING... but it's a tricky chapter in the way that A Very Witchy Holiday was...

I wish I could report better progress on the short story that's moderately still in the timeline where I left off as a result, but that too is stalled until I can get Sylvian to find HIS muses as well... :facehoof:

So... Chapter update for Memoir of a Minutor Crystallum?

I hope.........

Comments ( 3 )

*is currently running around with a broom trying to catch his muse which was teasing him at midnight last night with actually wanting to write*

I'll... Uh... I'll get back to you on wrangling my muse.

*rises up slowly from the coffeepot with a hunting rifle and pith helmet* Shhhhhh, be very very quiet.... I’m hunting for muses...

Did you bring your tranq gun, Jim? I swear, they get smarter and smarter each year, and more and more resistant to our tranqs! Soon we're going to have to lure them with... I don't know, actually inspiring stuff!

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