Hi. · 2:14am Nov 20th, 2020
I'm still alive. I hope that's still true of all of the cool people I've interacted with here over the years, but these days, it's a bad idea to make assumptions.
How are you? Hangin' in there?
Ask your doctor about DERPIPONE(TM)!
I'm still alive. I hope that's still true of all of the cool people I've interacted with here over the years, but these days, it's a bad idea to make assumptions.
How are you? Hangin' in there?
Managing well enough, all things considered. Good to hear from you.
There's a name not heard around here in... Many days...
Good to see you're alright.
~Skeeter The Lurker
Always a pleasure to hear from one of the site's most prolific authors.
That was almost a Ben Kenobi quote.
Good to know you're still around.
Still hanging in there, glad you are too.
It is good to hear from you.
I am still here, still writing, and still enjoying all things MLP. I hope the world is treating you well.
Take care and stay safe.
Thank you.
Well, things could be better, but they could definitely be worse.
As far as enjoying MLP goes, I still do as well. The comics certainly help with that.
I've seen the first episode of the FIM spinoff Pony Life and I'm still not sure how I feel about it.
I've spent some time admiring some of my own writing. That's normal, right?
Oh yes, Pony Life... It is very different. I will admit, I watched most of the episodes and was not impressed at all. Unlike Equestria girls, which I thought was going to be horrible and turned out to be pretty good, Pony Life fell flat and never got back on its hooves. I hope that they put more effort into the next generation, or we are going to have to rely on the fandom to keep the spirit of what MLP has become alive.
Well, I'm still around, and should probably let people know. As for Pony Life, I looked at it and couldn't handle the aesthetic. Everypony shouldn't be as weird and cartoonishly distorted as Pinkie Pie. So I noped out of there pretty fast.
I have no spare time and am considering writing some fanfic for Dress Up Time Princess. No, it does not have a category on fanfiction.net. No, I do not have any shame.
Sounds like I haven't missed much by not watching more episodes.
I mean, I know I was never part of the target market for Friendship Is Magic, but somehow that one episode of Pony Life made me really feel like I wasn't part of the audience they were trying to reach.
Doing good around here. James is having good luck with his RPG writing, Trixie is 6 and is the target audience for Pony Life, and likes it fine, so it's not a total waste of effort.
It's okay, but not great, you know? The fact that I never got around to seeing the last, what, 4-8 episodes, and haven't really felt like bothering probably does say something. Some episodes are entertaining, though. I liked the one about Applejack's hat with the goth ponies.
If you want something to watch, I'd suggest Owl House. While there was a long time between the first episode and the rest of the series for me, I really wanted to see the rest, then binged when I had a chance. The creator worked on Gravity Falls, and both King and Hooty on Owl House are voiced by Alex Hirsh.
Relatable characters, some great LGBTQ+ representation, fun dialogue, some really good animation in places... I'm just sad that season 1 was only 19 episodes, and I have to wait for season 2 to see what they do with the major developments at the end of season 1...
--Sweetie Belle
Shame kind of interferes with writing fanfiction anyway.
Since I'm not one of those toxic "me first" fans, I'll just be glad that Pony Life is reaching the intended demographic.
I haven't the slightest idea what Owl House is about, but I've heard it mentioned favorably for the representation you mentioned. Seems odd to me that the biggest name in animation can't produce a series with reliable scheduling. New episodes of Gravity Falls were rather erratic, but I think Milo Murphy's Law might have been worse.
Goth ponies, you say? I may have to look for that one.
The main trouble is that I don't really want to give out spoilers, and the lgbtq+ moments really would be spoilers.
But the main character is Luz, from the human world. She's got an overactive imagination, reads a lot of fantasy worlds, edits anime clips to music, etc, and is about to be stuck for 3 months in a summer camp where no imagination or creativity is allowed... but an owl runs off with her book. She chases it through a portal and finds herself in a fantasy world, oh, probably akin to the one Bill Cypher comes from?
She meets a a witch named Eda the Owl Lady, and tries to convince her to teach her how to use magic...
Probably not doing it justice, but that's the main setup. Kinda dark sometimes. The first episode's up on youtube for free.
Here's the opening to the show:
Or this is the actual full first episode on Disney's youtube...
--Sweetie Belle
Oh, the goth ponies are in "How Applejack Got Her Hat Back". Third episode or so of Pony Life?
--Sweetie Belle
I'm alive. My writing mostly isn't. Been programming a fair amount, though.
Oh hey, you're not dead. Cool.
I'm about the same as ever. My productivity fluctuates, but right now it's a general positive. Lotta free time these days.
Wish I could comment on Pony Life, but I haven't seen it and I really don't intend to. The last several seasons of FiM really lost me, and I even stopped reading the comics a few years ago now, so I've kinda tapped out on official material in general.
So good to see you back, Elric!
Hi Elric, good to see you again! Glad to hear you're surviving the apocalypse :)
I went into Pony Life with an open heart, hoping for something a little different now that FiM is over. It... did not impress me. :) I like that it exists - honestly, I think it's hilarious that the show that follows FiM is this bad - but it's, eeeeh, not good.
You live!
Though I find myself wondering if a certain piece of cutlery isn't to blame for this year....
It! Is! Alive!
Good to see you again (I mean, aside from everywhere else I see you). Struggling along, as usual. Doing my best to try and be a small candle in the darkness. Trying to write, but failing. And generally drinking too much.
That's something, at least...
I feel like the comics are worth people's time, but as with the show itself, your mileage may vary.
What do you think works against Pony Life the most? Is it the shorter format? The (attempted) emphasis on comedy? The minimization of the character roster? A combination of things?
Good to see you as well.
Not sure if that's a Stormbringer reference, or if there's some cursed spork out there that has it in for all of us.
The drinking probably helps you cope with what passes for reality these days, so I won't hold it against you. These days I sleep more than I used to.
It helps, but not enough, and the long term health consequences are probably going to catch up to me sooner than later. Tried to quit for a while, but just ended up even more miserable.
I tried to read the comics, but couldn't really get into them. They felt just too different from the show; and there were some weird retcons and OOC moments that annoyed me.
He’s baaaack!
Glad to her from you again. I hope your particular place in the universe has been gentle and 2020 hasn’t done any nastiness to you and yours. I’m still writing horsewords, although far fewer of them - usually for one contest or another - as work and doing my own landscaping has keep occupied during the pandemic. What have you been up to during your absence?
Well, I haven't lost any family or friends to the plague, so I've got that going for me. As for what I've been up to, the answer is "very little".
Depends on which era of the comics we're talking about, I suppose. I liked the early run a lot, but I think that the average quality took a dip after Reflections, and I really didn't enjoy much of anything I read from Chaos Theory onwards. The main series tie-ins to season seven didn't interest me at all, especially since season seven was when the show itself started to lose me too, and Legends of Magic was a poor replacement for Friends Forever IMO. I did like the Nightmare Knights miniseries, but that was about the last thing I did. Perhaps the series has gotten better since then, but I wouldn't know, because I don't follow IDW's output anymore.
It's definitely a combination of things wrong with Pony Life, but I guess the episode compression is one that hurts it a lot. The show is trying for a sitcom style, but with only 5 minutes in an episode, there's no time for buildup or for jokes to land. Episodes are just a rapid sequence of thing after thing after thing, and frankly it makes watching a 5 minute episode far more exhausting than it should be. Also the jokes are just pretty weak in general.
Glad you're still around!
Thanks! It's good to see so many folks that are also still hangin' in there -- and nice that I haven't been forgotten.
Huh, guess you haven't dropped off the face of the Earth.
Yeah, I'm doing well myself. Been surprisingly productive with fanfic literature as of late. Whether they're good, well, you make the call.
I took a fanfic fragment I wrote more than five years ago, added a few lines to it, and posted it as chapter one of a new story a little while ago.