• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen September 26th


Odd. Crazy. Zebra. Four Left Hooves.

More Blog Posts36

  • 212 weeks
    This week in a nutshell.


    Sums up this week pretty nicely.

    Im going to lay down now and breathe.

    2 comments · 296 views
  • 213 weeks
    A simple reminder for the 3rd.

    No matter what views you have. No matter how you feel on matters, be it angry, upset, or other.

    I only ask, that you should vote and consider the state of things.

    Consider how rough things are for you, and for others. Consider the times, not what he said he said.

    We need unity. We need peace. We need friend and family to stop the hate, stop the fear.

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    0 comments · 205 views
  • 228 weeks
    We need to do better.

    We really do as both fans and as people.
    We can too. As a cynic, as someone that sees the worst and the doom, the gloom.
    Those that follow me, have likely seen the many blogs from other artists, better worded writers.
    I'm just a hack really for anything.

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    8 comments · 402 views
  • 237 weeks
    A break in silence, and a stupid bit of inspiration.

    Heyo. I tend to be quiet. And had a friend basically inspire this stupid idea of a sort with the various "Humans are space orks/good people posts that happen."

    Data rotation Four thousand sixty eight. Today was interesting node. I'm logging this for being, unusual in the entry.

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    0 comments · 264 views
  • 269 weeks
    A moment to offer a great little parody.

    Short and simple, starts a little slow, enjoy!

    0 comments · 240 views

A simple reminder for the 3rd. · 2:16pm Nov 3rd, 2020

No matter what views you have. No matter how you feel on matters, be it angry, upset, or other.

I only ask, that you should vote and consider the state of things.

Consider how rough things are for you, and for others. Consider the times, not what he said he said.

We need unity. We need peace. We need friend and family to stop the hate, stop the fear.

You don't have to say whom, and its something of a peace matter to not, as it will keep the peace with how much tension there is.

Keep things from being ugly here.

I just plead. I just ask, that you vote to aid humanity.

See the actions, and what each has done. We have four years of both to show.

So if you can, look, and make your choice there. Get there early, get there and ensure you are heard.

You matter. This matters.

Please though, choose well for everyone involved.

Report TheStratovarian · 205 views · #vote
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