I've been a brony from gen 3 to now. I love Star Wars Halo Destiny Gundam and red v blue.I’m also a Weeb. DO NOT QUESTION MY SANITY.
Nightcore E for Extinction. Here it is.
Here’s my favorite Vocaloid song in chorus format post yours!iNSaNiTy
Thank you for letting me adopt Ghost Blackwatch9!
Well here’s some songs about my FUCKIN’ life.
You’re welcome and you know you can just send me a mail instead of doing the equivalent of shouting you thank you across the world
Still thanks for adopting RoG and if you need ideas I’m more then willing to share.
5373748Can ya pls on dms here me no have discord because of false NSFW claims.
You’re welcome and you know you can just send me a mail instead of doing the equivalent of shouting you thank you across the world
Still thanks for adopting RoG and if you need ideas I’m more then willing to share.
Can ya pls on dms here me no have discord because of false NSFW claims.