Strange But True #34 · 10:46pm Oct 5th, 2020
These are admittedly getting harder to do, hence the bi-weekly posting lately. Not to mention real life stuff preoccupying me. Nevertheless - here they are, 10 amazing facts! Enjoy!
1. The Japanese word "kamikaze" means divine wind, and although it is recognized as the death scream of suicidal Japanese pilots in WW2, it originated from the very fact that typhoons saved Japan from Kublai Khan in the 12th century.
2. The "high-five" is a rather new "invention" believe it or not. It was first done in a Dodgers game in 1977.
3. Jellybeans may be small and simple, but it takes 6 to ten days to make them.
4. The CIA once tried to create spy cats.
5. In 1919, a huge tank of molasses at a distillery near Boston's North End ruptured, sending 2.3 million gallons of the thick goo rushing into Keany Square, where it threw debris around while causing severe damage to buildings and railways, and caused the water in the harbor to run brown for at least six months. It did not move like molasses.
6. Wasps occasionally get "drunk" off of fermented fruit they've consumed and become unprovokingly violent.
7. Although the human brain can "hold" up to "2 petabytes" of "data", it's essentially infinite in storage.
8. The second largest buyer of explosives in the world is -- you guessed it: Disney.
9. Deaf people can "see" voices if they have schizophrenia.
10. Rockets capable of flying to the moon came before luggage wheels.
Disney's explosives vs Pepsi's navy: who would win?
Explosives probably. Lol