• Member Since 8th Feb, 2019
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  • 6 weeks
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  • 57 weeks
    Important Announcement

    Okay, now I know the title of the blog says, and I quote 'Important Announcement' it doesn't mean the one thing many people have asked me the last few months. "Will I return to making fanfics?" My answer is and still is no, and I'm sorry for anyone who was expecting I would. :fluttercry: I stopped making these things because of what was going on with my life and how I started to get less

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  • 78 weeks
    My thoughts on The Owl House Finale and the show in its entirety.

    Just a heads up, for anyone who is reading this, you are about to hear spoilers regarding the Disney channel tv show Owl House and its series finale. So if you are an Owl House fan and don't want to get spoiled or are simply not interested in reading this blog in particular, I recommend leaving now as I will be sharing my overall thoughts on the show entirely and the show's ending.


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  • 82 weeks
    Life update and how I've been doing.

    Hey everyone, been a while since I've made a blog since I retired from making fanfics back in November 2022. While it's only been 4 months since I published my last story which I left a link down below for anyone who hasn't read it yet, a lot has changed for me since then. For starters, I'm 21 years old now so I'm legally allowed to drink. I did try some on my birthday with my family and somewhat

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  • 100 weeks

    Well, it's official, I'm retired as a fanfic writer, and has been updated in my profile to all who see my account. I uploaded my final story yesterday, which many people are loving. I've been waiting to get this done for a while now and finally, it's complete! I never intended to do this for a long time when I first began in the fall of 2020 but of course, with what my life was going through when

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Change of plans and sad news · 7:02pm Sep 18th, 2020

Hello everyone. I have some upsetting news that I wanted to share even thought I wish it wasn't real. Since we know that ever since last year Equestria Girls might end due to MLP Friendship is Magic ending, DHX media no longer doing the animation and tara strong leaving her role as Twilight Sparkle. We all hoped EQG would somehow get a third season and continue but this morning I saw this. Click this link. https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk002FXdwp-eDR3RMy8o8MQkZ0tFuZA%3A1600455174424&source=hp&ei=BgJlX-uNF4qt0PEP96uCiA8&q=Equestria+Girls+digital+series&oq=Equestria+Girls+digital+series&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzoECCMQJzoFCAAQkQI6BQguEJECOggIABCxAxCDAToFCAAQsQM6EQguELEDEIMBEMcBEKMCEJECOgsIABCxAxCDARCRAjoICC4QsQMQgwE6BQguELEDOgIIADoCCC5Q9KwMWKPtDGCs7gxoA3AAeACAAagBiAHFFZIBBDI1LjaYAQCgAQGqAQdnd3Mtd2l6&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwjrqJeRsPPrAhWKFjQIHfeVAPEQ4dUDCAk&uact=5

Sorry if it's long but if you look up Equestria girls Digital Series on google it'll say 2017-2020. First episode November 2, 2017 - Final Episode June 23nd, 2020. Its safe to say the show is officially over. I didn't want it to end but it seems like we won't get that proper ending after all. :( I'll still maybe upload my story later today but for now I need to take a moment to remember back on how much I've enjoyed Equestria Girls these last few years and it'll be missed.
RIP Equestria Girls 2013-2020. Guess now the only way to have a proper ending is with stories on FimFiction. And I might do one but I'll need time to think. Been stressed with college and I just think it'll be awhile til that might happen. But for now all I'll say is I enjoyed it better than I thought I would

Report ScisetShimmerEvan · 208 views ·
Comments ( 18 )

These things happen.

But at least we have the freedom to come up with endings of our own.

Aww man! I can't believe it's over! Now I'll never recover!


I'm sad just as the both of you. But I'm still gonna upload my story and add a little something

That's at least a bit better! And also, nice pfp of Sunset and Twilight!

thx I mainly did it for my first story upload but I might change it. And I did. But I'll try to keep it temporarily before going back to the SciSet pic

Sure thing!

The official show is over, but the tales of Canterlot High aren't.

Why? Because we can continue them.

yes but it'll be as a story

Indeed, but the story goes on.

Technically speaking, it's not over till Hasbro confirms it.

Besides.... we still haven't gotten any official word from Hasbro yet at all so don't believe that June 23rd, 2020 info. Someone must of added in as a hack.

I know but look at the link. If you google th series it'll say 2017-2020. Meaning that eqg is over

Look again: That was for the Digital Series, not the franchise itself. Hasbro still hasn't decided yet on EG's final fate.

I know but still they might possibly end it for several reason.
1. MLP FIM ended
2. DHX won't be doing the animations
and 3, Tara Strong has plans to step down as her role as Twilight Sparkle

Yeah well, I will still say it: Only Hasbro can make the call regarding EG's fate.

I know and I hope they make a good choice

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