Stargazing Together v1.0 · 8:54pm Sep 6th, 2020
Many many years ago I wrote the original Stargazing Together story. It is almost 40k words long, and was my magnus opus for a long time.
When I went back to review it years later, I decided it wasn't good enough and went to rewrite it. That rewrite floundered and flailed for years before I finally killed it a few months ago. As part of the rewrite, however, I not only took down all the original chapters, I deleted the original story on here itself. I don't think there is any way to go find any remnants of it.
Of course, I still have it saved in a google doc. I write most things there before importing them to FimFiction. So, here you go. The original Stargazing Together. In it's entirety (I think.) I figured I'd put it up here for those of you interested.
Maybe you should upload it back to FimFiction? Name it "Stargazing Together 1st ed", make it separate fic.