• Member Since 14th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Feb 12th, 2024


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  • 215 weeks
    Merry Christmas!

    Even though the year has been pretty terrible, I hope this one day can bring you joy, and that you can spend it with someone you care for. Merry Christmas!

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  • 217 weeks
    About My Inactivity


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  • 222 weeks
    Strange But True #36

    Next batch of weird facts, fresh from the internet! Enjoy!

    1. A man in 2007 tried to fake his own death to get out of a cellphone bill. It didn't work.

    2. Light doesn't always necessarily travel at light speed - light has been recorded moving as slow as 38 mph in a controlled vacuum medium.

    3. Casu marzu is a Sardinian cheese that contains live maggots.

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  • 224 weeks
    Strange But True #35

    10 more amazing facts for you to enjoy!

    1. There are more public libraries in the United states than McDonald's.

    2. Chainsaws were invented for aid during childbirth. Yikes!

    3. Paper bags are worse for the environment than plastic ones.

    4. German chocolate is not named after the country. It was named after Sam German.

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  • 227 weeks
    Strange But True #34

    These are admittedly getting harder to do, hence the bi-weekly posting lately. Not to mention real life stuff preoccupying me. Nevertheless - here they are, 10 amazing facts! Enjoy!

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Strange But True #32 · 12:17am Aug 25th, 2020

Facts blog number 32! Hope you enjoy this metals edition!

1. Mercury melts at -37 degrees Fahrenheit, the lowest melting point of any metal.

2. Tungsten has the highest melting temp of any metal at 6,192 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. The human body needs eight different metals for healthy bodily function: copper, zinc, sodium, calcium, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. There are other metals the human body uses for different things, but not as prominently.

4. Up until the Middle Ages, there were only seven known metals: Bronze, iron, gold, copper, silver, lead, and mercury.

5. Ever noticed many handrails and doorknobs on public places are made of brass? This is because brass has antibacterial properties.

6. If two pieces of uncoated metal touch in space, they become permanently stuck together. It doesn’t happen on Earth because the atmosphere puts a thin layer of oxidation between the surfaces. The oxidized layer actually acts as a barrier, preventing adherence.

7. Indium is a nontoxic metal that is so soft, it can be molded by hand.

8. Osmium is considered the rarest precious metal on earth - only a few tonnes a year are mined compared to around 2700 tonnes of gold every year.

9. Arsenic is a metal.

10. Gallium melts in your hand.

Report Dandereshy · 163 views · #sbt32
Comments ( 5 )

Aside from the arsenic one, the rest I didn’t know.


Glad I helped you learn something new!

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