• Member Since 15th May, 2019
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  • 2 weeks
    Back and Forth

    Even though I'm writing for Amazon Kindle now, I'm still a FiMFic writer and at this point, I keep going back and forth between projects. I read an extremely erotic lesbian vampire novel, and I had to stop because it was making me kinda uncomfortable... I'm asexual, and whenever I think about "that", I always feel like I lost something, and that was the real meaning behind Chapter 1: Broken

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  • 6 weeks
    Random idea I had

    Honestly, I just don't think I can write hetero romance? I only wrote one straight romance story, it wasn't that great, and I never finished it... I write 6 books about lesbians, and they're dynamite...

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  • 10 weeks
    King's 1000

    So I've read Stephen King's memoirs for insight on the art of storytelling, in order to sharpen and hone my craft, and he says that a writer should attempt to average about 1000 words a day... Now, I'm not sure I agree with this sentiment, exactly, because there are different degrees of quality in the material, not to mention, some days, I'll be more long-winded than others, and I'm not sure it's

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  • 12 weeks
    Not yet, but soon...

    At this moment, I'm entrenched in my Cute and Innocent story, as well as the novel I'm writing for Amazon Kindle, but I haven't forgotten my previous projects... It's interesting to note, that during my smoke session, a moment ago, a new scene formed for my Empress Cozy Glow 2 project... I will have Cozy, still trapped in Scootaloo's body, laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, in the Castle of

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  • 19 weeks
    What's been going on

    Well, I'm currently writing my first professional writing project! I've written about 15,000 words in just over 2 weeks, and there's no sign of me slowing down now. As such, my pony writing projects have been suffering, but I did have a crazy idea. After I publish this new story on Amazon Kindle, I could write an alternative pony version of the story, specifically for this site? That was one idea

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Close Combat chapter 1, after the fact · 10:00pm Jul 27th, 2020

First off, I gotta say the reception is a bit lighter than it was with Cozy? I'm thinking this is either because it's completely original characters and/or because the romantic comedy genre isn't as popular as many of the others? Regardless, I must never forget that these projects aren't really about y'all!

So a good brony friend of mine offered constructive criticism on my story so far since I requested it. I confess that I'm very new to this genre (and most genres actually) and I wanted feedback from an actual fan so I would know how to improve myself. Well he offered two words of advice! The first is, apparently kisses in romantic stories can't and shouldn't be timed! Okay partly that's because of the way my mind works. It's very precise and methodical. But I should probably keep that in mind in the future? This is an emotional project after all!

His second bit of criticism was the use of the word "butthole" in my story. He felt it was childish. Now I confess that that's probably also because I wrote this story! I like to mess with my significant others playfully and they often referred to me as a "butthole" in the past! I mean, by it's very nature, love is not a heavy rational thing. It's entirely emotional and because of that, I would argue that people can and will get childish! At least I know I always did? Regardless, I'll tone it down a bit anyway because as Marybelle learns to accept Guyrin, it's more than likely just gonna turn into a playful love thing down the road anyway.

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