Just my little two cents regarding the current issues discussed in the fandom · 9:14pm Jul 18th, 2020
This post may contain some strong language. I think it's appropriate, as I'm a bit miffed. I just want to advise my followers that it won't be the height of intellectual discourse.
So, shit floats. It will need continuous treatment or it will clog up your sewage and spill over into the rest of the infrastructure that makes sure you don't die of some horrible disease.
It is also a good idea to keep it away from, say, your kitchen, your living room, or your local watering hole. It will stain everything it touches, it will infect you with flesh-eating bacteria, and then making stuff usable again becomes a chore.
We haven't been paying enough attention to it, because it seems we are getting it everywhere and ignoring the issue won't solve the current problem.
That was a metaphor.
The shit I'm talking about is an ideology that deems certain people less than human, and which infiltrates and rots communities where there isn't a decent sewage treatment in place.
We already intellectually dealt with those ideologies. We have done so for decades. We shouldn't need a debate about where and how to allow them into the kitchen again.
BLM Protests are still going on, we still have to deal with police brutality and systemic racism, we have more important stuff to do.
Fuck Nazis.
Indeed, the turd that just. Won't. Flush. This is so tiring.
We need to get rid of that shit.
Godspeed. Nazis can fuck off.
I'm tempted to overextend the metaphor and figure out what's the cultural equivalent of eating too much cheese. Regardless, well put.
Let's not bring innocent cheese into this. If there's one thing sacred in this absurd world, I want it to stay pure and unsullied.
Thank you for speaking out.
Seconding every word of this.
Great blog!
Very well said, and absolutely agreed with!
There is none, because there’s no such thing as too much cheese.
Thanks for posting this.
It's interesting how people who advocate for free speech to a fault always get lumped in with nazis.
It's that "if your not with us, your against us" mentality that always seems to pop up. I can't have a double standard regardless of whether I agree with the politics behind it, it was an unhealthy mentality in the Bush era and it is an unhealthy one now. Do not think less of a fellow human just because they are not fighting the good fight, convince people, don't coerce them. If you're truly on the right side of history than all those who are silent will join your side with time, especially if you treat them with patience and respect.
Here's a thing, I don't think that everybody advocating for free speech is a nazi. I think that nazis use free speech and people looking away (did so historically, keep doing so) to spread until they get enough power to shut down everything they don't like. They've done it in the past and the mountain of corpses that resulted from that traumatized the world.
Now, I'm well aware that them festering in a little fandom like ours won't cause another genocide (at least I hope), but an ideology that considers some people less than human has the effect of making those people feel unwelcome and pushing them away in the best of cases.
I don't want the fandom to be unwelcoming to all those the nazis and the fascists consider undesirable. I don't want what is a private-ish space that has no institutional mission to guarantee a platform to everyone--let's compare it to a bar for sake of a widely known little story--become a nest of what is a hateful, horrid, and cruel ideology. If that means nazis and fascists (as in those who espouse and follow that ideology) get to be uncomfortable then, for what's worth, they can fuck right off.
I haven't really seen evidence of a legitimate Nazi subculture anywhere in this fandom if I'm to be honest. I've looked into supposed examples in the past, and it always ends up being a group of edgy neo-cons or something. Perhaps I'm just jaded and no longer able to discern legitimate hate speech from offensive humor... I'm certainly not denying that as a possibility. At the same time I get the strong impression that the fandom is getting all worked up over a theoretical threat rather than an existing one.
Either way, as long as we continue to treat freedom of speech as an irrefutable and indisputable human right, something you'd even be die be willing to die for, no group will ever be able to pry that right away from us, at least not without a straight up military coup. If their beliefs are completely antithetical to our way of life and what we as a society consider important, they'll never even be able to get their foot in the door.
See, the issue is that I don't think freedom of speech is something that will be maintained as an ideal construct, untouched by the Zeitgeist. I think that we have historical evidence that unopposed fascism and nazism destroy freedom for everybody else in the long run. It doesn't need to convince everyone, it needs just to convince enough people to make it clear that those they deem undesirable will stop speaking up and leave. We have seen it happen. I would gladly avoid seeing it happen again.