• Member Since 24th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago


Creating lesbian horse love, cus no one else is. visual novles/games: https://thecrimsondm-vanillia.itch.io/

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  • Sunday
    Game Dev # 03

    Howdy again,

    Continuing work on Twilight's Cuddle Quest, the largest pony visual novel ever made (probably).

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  • 1 week
    Game Dev Update


    So we re-released a more vanilla version of our gen 4 reboot visual novel. The idea: what if all the mane six were different species, like Twilight is an earth pony, and they were going through the nightmare moon event but inspired more by the early leaks of gen 5 with each tribe having its own world and such.

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  • 2 weeks
    Working on Stuff and Things


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  • 3 weeks
    Hey, we did a comic thingy!

    If you follow all our accounts, you'll be aware that we have been working on an mlp fancomic for a few months now.

    Stupid Ponies

    Cute, cozy, silly, weird, and funny. With a dash of family drama for fun. Now that it's finished, we wanted to let y'all know you can read it now from the link above.

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  • 5 weeks
    Correction, story is over now, finished updating all chapters

    as the title says, the story is finished, did the edits, did the formating, did the publishing.

    as always thanks for reading XD

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Okay, I'm looking for an obscure comedy anime and I have no idea what the name is! Help!!! · 5:01am Jun 21st, 2020

Looking for an obscure anime. It was a comedy anime, stared a young wizard boy who goes to a magical school up in the clouds, first episode he summoned or created a catgirl who was completely ferral much to the dismay of his female vampire love interest. As much as I search I can't seem to find this, if it sounds familiar let me know, I believe all the main characters had a unique sort of chibi artstyle and it was a pretty funny and outrageous anime.

Some of the things here might be just a bit off, but I'm wondering if anyone here has any idea what this anime is? Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you. XD

Edit: Since I spent a good two hours searching for this anime and having zero luck finding, if anyone finds it they get a free short story request.

Report TheCrimsonDM · 336 views · #anime
Comments ( 9 )

no, this is an actual anime. Mostly takes place in a magical school and has some very adult humor, well anime humor anyway. For example when the wizard creates/summons the cat girl in episode one she's naked and refuses to wear clothes because she's a lot more of a cat then a person in terms of personality. In fact I don't think she ever learns to speak from the few episodes I saw.

I also remember something about the most masculine, muscular and gayest of tranvestites being some kind of villian for an episode at the school and then becoming a normal character after. If I recall the principle was just like, 'gay guy molesting everyone on campus... yep i'm out."

Granted the muscular gay guy episode migth be horribly skewed, I only vaguely remember it. The catgirl is still a lot more accurate and I remember the female vampire girl being pissed about the naked cat girl.

I know this sounds like a lot of weird, and somewhat generic anime humor. It was just such a weird combination of things I remember it.

well, shoot. she's not a cat girl, she's like a demon elf thing. But yes, this is the exact anime I was looking for. Thanks. Also you now get a free short story.

Heh, always glad to use my Google-Fu for good.
I'll have to think up a good idea for the story, but I'll poke you. ^^

No, you got episode five just about right. ♫ Love and Peace...! ♫ :rainbowlaugh:

Alright. I thought about it.
Could you write a sequel to Hearth's Warming on the Rock Farm, with Trixie Lulamoon?

A sequel to one of my old stories. Sure. I had forgotten I had written a Christmas story once upon a time. Gonna be fun going through it again to make a sequel.

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