• Member Since 20th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


Aspiring writer, Steve Magnet disciple

More Blog Posts77

  • Saturday
    The Cozy Glow Contest Needs Stories!

    Earlier this week, I posted about the Cozy Glow Contest being hosted by the Cozy Glow Group. I'm trying to get a story in for it, but I've learned that apparently this will be the last year of the contest if ten or less

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  • Tuesday
    October Updates and Plans

    Hey, everyone. It’s been a long time since you’ve seen “Updates and Goals” in the title of this blog, huh? Two and a half years ago, this was a common kind of post, talking about all the things I was aiming to do within the month and beyond (regardless if they ever got done or not). But as anybody who’s followed me since March 2022 knows, my mother passed away from cancer at a (relatively) young

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  • 1 week
    Donation Plug

    As folks who saw my post a few weeks ago know, I sold a few copies of my book Winter Dreams, Summer Reminisces, at Everfree Northwest this year. One of the main conceits of the book was to raise money for the Foundation for Women's Cancer, a charity focused on ending cancers in female reproductive

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  • 5 weeks
    My Book Sold Out at Everfree Northwest!

    I have just been notified by RBDash47 that the book I sent to Everfree Northwest, Winter Dreams, Summer Reminisces, sold out yesterday! To be fair, I only sent 5 books, as only one of the books sold at Everfree last year and I'd

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  • 6 weeks
    Book Available at Everfree Northwest

    Forgot to post this, but my last short story collection, Winter Dreams, Summer Reminisces, will be on sale at Twilight's Book Nook at Everfree Northwest this weekend. The Book Nook will be in the vendor's hall, so head there if you'd like to check out a bunch of fantastic books!

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Deep Clinical Depression or a Libertydude Update Post? You Decide! · 2:01am Jun 21st, 2020

A few things have come to my attention that I felt a need to talk about, if only so I can talk about something on this blog for once. For starters, the Season 10 Bingo Writing Contest has just concluded and the results have come in. My story, Marewell, My Lovely, didn't get any honors, but the reaction to it seems to have been mostly positive. I'm glad; it was a fun story to work on and I really want to revisit the central character in the near future. Please check out the stories by the other authors as well, since they put in quite a bit of effort and need some feedback too.

Secondly, I am currently working on two stories that I hope to upload before the end of the month. Both are dramatic examinations of plots usually beholden to comedy on this website: a Filly Anon story and a "Son of Discord" story. The former was one I wrote back in early March and didn't get around to polishing due to a cavalcade of various personal issues plaguing me, often resulting in what I liked to call 'anguish attacks' where I just didn't want to do anything but sleep and watch crappy action movies. The latter was something I cranked out today under an hour for Quills and Sofas (another group you should check out if you haven't already), which will also need some polish before it comes up here. I feel quite passionate about these stories and their subject matters, so I really want to make them the best they can be before they come onto this website.

Thirdly, and I know I've been promising this for a year now, I want to finish writing my reflections on the final BronyCon and the short story collection I sold there, Endings. It was the first book I've ever organized and was an important learning experience (which is a nice way of saying it was a major failure artistically and financially in many regards). I think reflecting on both Endings and the event it was sold at is important if I'm going to grow as a writer, and they're just events I want to talk about so I can move past some of the issues they brought into my life.

Finally, I wanted to share this utter train wreak of an image with you all:

The story behind this is that right after today's Quills and Sofas contest, we were chatting about the various entries in the Discord. The world famous KorenCZ11 remarked that he remembered me from the aforementioned Marewell, My Lovely, but fellow user Vis-A-Viscera got confused and thought Koren was talking about him. Koren then corrected himself and said he was talking about "the other guy" (me). This prompted me to go into MS Paint and make a fake movie poster from the comedy film The Other Guys, with myself and Vis-A-Viscera as the titular heroes. Don't expect anything else to come out of this event; I just did it for some luls and felt like subjecting the rest of the Discord to it. (Also, here's the link to Two Scoops if you're interested. Prepare to be disappointed.)

That's all I wanted to say for now. Thanks to anybody still following me, and I hope I can impress you with the stories to come.

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