When Twilight was taken from her original reality, she thought she would never return. Now she has. War is at Equestria's doorstep. Twilight will have to make a choice. When Twilight does, she’ll have a huge task ahead of her.
It is strange feeling 20 Years ago I was 5 years old in school not knowing nor under standing what had happened. Not knowing how close 09/11/2001 would hit home for me. But as I grew up I learned about two stories, The first one was that my uncle had stuck in traffic that day and miss his normal train into the city. He worked in the north build. But he was late and never got to work. Years late
5272686 Oh! I see sorry. Glad you’re back into writing though I actually have a story that was inspired by your story called dawn of command if you have the time read it and tell me what you think.
No update on The Right that Returns?
that's next chapter's tilde and quote
Oh! I see sorry. Glad you’re back into writing though I actually have a story that was inspired by your story called dawn of command if you have the time read it and tell me what you think.