Banned · 2:55am May 17th, 2020
If either Dramamaster or extremeenigma are reading this, it means that you know I know I’m banned from your Cinematic Adventures group and I think it’s my fault.
I promised you that I would be patient for your story and I think I wasn’t. But letting go of impatience worked for Dinodisneylover1 and you guys.
I guess I can live with being banned from your group indefinitely, but if you find it in your hearts to forgive me for my mistake, I’ll take that chance; but if you can’t I’ll understand
It turns out I was spamming the group for a movie i recently bought: Scoob!
Dramamaster hates me for it and that’s why he banned me.
If extremeenigma and Dramamaster can find it in their hearts to forgive me for spamming them so much, I’ll take that chance; but if they can’t, I’ll understand
Was it the Cinematic Adventures group you were banned from or the Disney Chronicles group?
Cinematic Adventures
I see.
I’m sorry to hear about that. I know that it must’ve been hard and what that’s like.
I’m sorry too
But I think I can live with it
Turns out I was spamming them too much for a movie I bought.