This Story Could Use an Update... · 6:44am May 13th, 2020
It's only been like... 8 years.
Cute SpikeDash kuz cute SpikeDash
I write emo romance stories about Spike, listen to music that should have died with MySpace and play a lot of Final Fantasy 14. That's about it.
It's only been like... 8 years.
Cute SpikeDash kuz cute SpikeDash
This is one of those stories I followed like 5 years ago before I actually knew you- an update would be a great excuse to jump back into it!
I'd read an update.
Last update before I even started watching the show, lol.
This is an interesting concept, and I'm going to read it now, even if it never gets finished.
If you want to continue it, go for it.
Been a long time since I read this, looks to be one of the rare Spike stories I actually liked. Should it get updated, I'd read it over again.
This story is cursed, Mallajong banned, Vexy gone. Be careful with this