IANG Update - Data Inanis · 2:59am May 7th, 2020
(So I planned that I would make a story for character bios for IANG, but after asking one of the admins or was it moderators... can't remember, but I asked somebody who handles the site whether this was acceptable... they told me no. So I'm instead going to put all character bios on Google Docs, I'll make a link for it on this blog later, and present the character bios for characters that are important in some way to the story. This involves characters from the show too, and while you know them from watching the show and comics, again this is an AU story in a way, so there will be some information that is unique to them based off what path the story goes... with that said and done, enjoy these bios!)
Data Inanis: Logica Files - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Rug4oFgvLCnZxrghCkOe389k3ty5gXa481jWj1SkXqY/edit?usp=sharing
(P.S. All bios may update and change as the story progresses with time.)