• Member Since 9th Feb, 2018
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Clean Karma

I exist and so do you. You can quote me on that.

More Blog Posts56

  • 242 weeks
    I Guess I'm 23% Back

    Hello. I am not much for beating around the bush so I will be straightforward.

    I left fimfiction and pretty much all MLP related stuff for a while. It's been 3 years since I got fed up with stuff and decided to leave. I don't feel like talking about it really but I do want to come back into the fandom somewhat. So let me put some ground rules:

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  • 318 weeks
    Screw It

    Fuck it! I'm done! I'm done with this shit! I don't fucking care how anyone feels about it but I'm through editing. I'm sorry for not following through with my commitments but I'm fucking everything up! I just can't deal with this shit anymore so don't fuckin' bother me for a while. I'll let you know if I'm okay to talk to again. Goodbye for fuckin now.

    2 comments · 352 views
  • 324 weeks
    No More

    I am going to quit editing. Now before you freak out, let me clarify: I am going to quit editing as soon as I've finished the current stories I'm editing. I only edit for two authors right now, so it's not like I'm depriving the world.

    Allow me to explain:

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    1 comments · 419 views
  • 324 weeks
    Why I Don't Write...Much

    If you've seen the list of stories I have you'll please take notice that 4/6 of my stories are in a hiatus of sorts. This is why I don't like writing, when I have a project I don't always follow through with it. Unfortunately that applies to my editing as well. I'm lucky that those I edit for have such great patience, but in all honesty, I'm not reliable. I don't feel emotions the same way as

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    0 comments · 316 views
  • 325 weeks
    Learning a Little About Me #2

    I guess this is another blog about myself. Whether or not I'm full of myself or not depends on where you're standing. My therapist said this might help with my sociopathic tendencies but if I'm being honest, he doesn't have any reason to let me get better so why would he give me good advice. Well, I guess it can't hurt things.


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I Guess I'm 23% Back · 12:41am Apr 14th, 2020

Hello. I am not much for beating around the bush so I will be straightforward.

I left fimfiction and pretty much all MLP related stuff for a while. It's been 3 years since I got fed up with stuff and decided to leave. I don't feel like talking about it really but I do want to come back into the fandom somewhat. So let me put some ground rules:

1. I will not be editing anymore. The work I took on stressed me out and I wasn't enjoying it. Forcing myself to do voluntary work I didn't have fun doing was a mistake and I don't want it to happen again.
2. I likely won't be continuing any of my writing from before. Again, I only want to type another word if I feel like it's worth something, and my passions have been leading me in other directions, so don't expect any updates on that soon.
3. My approach to this fandom will much different then it used to. I can't really explain it but I've kinda taken an interest in roleplaying. I don't know entirely but I'm giving it a shot. I will stop if it doesn't turn out all that fun for me.
4. To those of you I used to work with... my memory isn't very great. I'll likely have forgotten you entirely. I apologize but that's how my head works sometimes.

Well, that's about it. Thank you for reading.

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