• Member Since 3rd Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen Feb 25th, 2020

Buster Knutt

Welcome to the cum zone

More Blog Posts8

  • 255 weeks
    Assistance Needed

    In my attempts to restore my fics, I've been using fimfetch to copy-paste the descriptions and chapter titles directly into new stories, as I want the fics reuploaded exactly as they were originally.

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    15 comments · 2,606 views
  • 255 weeks
    Current Situation

    1. I've lost access to my account on the desktop due to forgetting passwords for account and email address. Google is also refusing to let me reclaim the account as of now, so I'm currently waiting on a response from a fimfic moderator to see if they can help me with that.

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    15 comments · 1,109 views
  • 256 weeks
    The Other Venture

    I will be returning my attention to my other venture for the forseeable future, so I'm afraid I won't be working on much of anything fimfic-wise for a good while.

    6 comments · 443 views
  • 256 weeks
    Minor Update

    My computer has been returned to me rather quickly, so I'm going to continue work on things now.

    4 comments · 333 views
  • 257 weeks
    Brief Update

    My computer's been put in the shop for a few days for repairs/upgrades, so work on new stuff is being put on hold until I get it back.

    Apologies for the delay.

    2 comments · 297 views

An Apology and An Update · 6:39pm Feb 3rd, 2020

I am very sorry for my Scorched Earth approach to leaving last time. It was an extremely selfish and stupid thing for me to so, and I wholly regret it for the sake of those who enjoyed my work so much. I made a very stupid decision based entirely on stupid factors, which I shall explain thusly:

1. I view this reason as the most important: in the past few months, I have been putting time and effort into a venture that will have me in the public eye should it be successful. I will be in front of numerous audiences with many people aware of me, and there is a chance I shall be making money from it if all continues as it has recently. I will not tell you what this venture is, nor do I wish for those who may know to speak of it to anyone, for this reason: I am terrified that if my account here is to be connected to my other venture, it will ruin me. As the headcase I am, I suffer from quite severe anxiety, and there were many a night where I lay in bed, worried and afraid, that someone, somehow, was going to tie the two together. In my panicked, stupid state, the only thing I could think of to try and remove this issue was deleting everything.

This included stories, appearances on podcasts, blogs, and the entire account as an attempt to hide myself away and remove the evidence. This was a fool-hardy venture and one I regret, as anyone who wishes to look for my work can still find it and I've done next to nothing that I can't remove to link this work to my other venture. While the worry does still nag at me, running with conspiracy theories of 'what if someone recognises my face from this and compares it to this?' or 'what if someone links my email address to this account and another one linked to my venture?', they are nothing more than the paranoid delusions of a madman, and I am well aware of this. I allowed my fears to run away with me, as I am wont to do, and have hurt everyone else in the process, and I am deeply sorry for this practice.

2. Burnout and stupidity. A smaller, but still big reason I left, was I felt I was done with it all and had no desire to continue on anything, hated everything I'd ever written, and wanted nothing to do with it. Next up comes the stupidity: I decided to delete it for this, and the previously explained, reasoning. I am dumb and I am sorry, and I am making attempts to fix this day by day.

So, with the explanation for why I fled with my tail between my legs out of the way, I will now explain what I've been doing recently to try and fix this issue:

1. Account restoration. This was brought up and was soon found to be impossible, so this venture failed.

2. Fic restoration and transferring to this account. I've asked the mods if this is possible, and am waiting to hear from them about it.

3. Gathering the old fics from other people who still have them and compiling them into separate Gdocs to link to people who request them. So far, the fics that have been recovered are DSI Twilight Velvet, DSI Barb, DSI Cadance, and DSI Queen Chrysalis. I'm still currently waiting as I'm writing this for the others to be dug up, and I will inform you if and when this occurs.

I'm working on damage control and attempting to fix my mistakes, so with the apology out of the way, let's get onto the update:

First and foremost, since I am a broke-ass motherfucker who likes money, I shall be restarting two things: the Patreon and commissions. The Patreon has been overhauled slightly and only offers one tier with one benefit, which is that those who support the five dollar tier will be given early access to new fics two days before everyone else is. I wanted to give a decent benefit for a decent price, so if you've got some extra change you wouldn't mind throwing at a starving retard like myself, please consider supporting me.

After that, we move onto commissions. These have also been overhauled slightly, but the rates have stayed largely the same. They are as follows:

10$ per 1k words.
Every 1k words over 10k costs an additional 5$, making it 15$ per 1k.
You get three fetishes that you wish to see for free, and every additional fetish costs 2$
Payment is half upfront and half on completion, with this being non-negotiable.
I will ask you to provide extremely fine details as to what you wish to see in the commission and how long you want spent on it. The more nitty-gritty the details the easier it will be for me to deliver what you want.

I'm in the mood to make some fucking money and you're in the mood to beat meat to horse words, so let's make a healthy union, shall we?

So, with that out of the way, I am returneth from the abyss and ready to write some more horseporn to the same smutty standard of quality you've come to expect from me. It's great to be back, I love you all, and I'm raring to go again.

Report Buster Knutt · 1,865 views ·
Comments ( 35 )

Glad to see you're back. Out of curiosity, are you planning on continuing the DSI remakes or are you going to be focusing on new stuff?


I do want to finish up the DSI series with at least Celestia. I promised that to so many people that I feel it'd be criminal not to give it to them eventually.

Good to have you back.


Here's a link to download backups of your work (I didn't make this, but used it previously)

It contains 20 stories

Alternatively, here's a link to the fimfetch area where 24 stories are found. For some reason the site doesn't show the stories in your author section, but they are found here when searching your penname.


Nice to see you back :twilightsmile:

Does this mean you’ll be reposting your old stories? Cause if so I’m sure fimfetch has most of them on archive.


I'm afraid I can't. The site prohibits the reposting of previously deleted fics.

Buster, if you need the DSI Fics, I know you said you've gotten some back, but I have all of them ready to go if you need them. No muss, no fuss, their yours back to your hands if you want them. Don't want to stress out a fellow paranoid person anymore than they already are. :P


I believe I have all of them converted into individual gdocs now.

But thank you for the offer.

Awesome. Good to have you back, my friend! :rainbowkiss:

You could always make new ones though. Bigger and better than before.


I could probably redo all of them, tbf, but I'm not sure if people want a third version of most of these DSI stories.

Well theirs only one way to find out. Why not just give it a try with the first story and see.

I'm glad you're back & apology accepted. Btw, I do have all of your old DSI series Downloaded as PDF files, So I could read them over & over whenever I wanted. If you need backup files of them, I could try to send them to you via email or private message.

Welcome back to the site,

Let me start off by saying, your reasons are perfectly understandable. We all wanna keep things here and our lives offline well apart so we can enjoy both things separately. And I can totally understand the worry of them overlapping and how it lead to your previous decision. As for burnout, trust me I’ve been there.

In terms of commissions, I may have an idea or two I think your talents could really bring to life, that and the disposable income lol

Again, good to have you back!


Thanks for the understanding!

And sure, whenever you're ready to discuss commissions, shoot me a PM and we'll see what I can do with it.

I think you'll find this useful. It has every story uploaded to Fimfiction, including your own. I know because I used it nab them when you deleted them originally. Also, it goes without saying I'm very happy you've returned. You're a great author, and I'd hate to see you go. Good luck in whatever professional venture you're partaking.


Welcome back! Take it easy when you can

its great to have you back:pinkiehappy: i hope you get a way to repost the DSI fics they were great!

I said you'd be back. I called it. Now here you are. At least you apologized and gave a proper explanation this time. Look, I'm glad you have this opportunity to make some cash (I'm presuming it's a considerable amount too, considering your reasoning). I'm not going to berate you anymore for how you handled leaving. It was a shitty thing to do and at least you admitted it now. But... I still need to see if you're truly serious about coming back. So while I won't be as welcoming or appreciative as the others, I will be keeping an eye on you. Don't screw this up.

ok well welcome back, there is punch and cookies in the room over, We see your coming over with some relaxation, good have a good time, and try not to burn out,

Welcome back. I knew you wouldn’t be gone for long.

Excellent, I shall message you soon with some of these ideas and we'll hopefully work something out :twilightsmile:


I'm eagerly waiting.

Are your comms open?


They are indeed. Shoot me a PM with what you've got in mind and we'll see if it's something I can take on.

Glad to hear things are improving for you. As for your concern, well, while it is valid, there are ways to get around it such as a vpn.

Holy shit, didn't expect to see you. Welcome back!

I was wondering where your stories went, good to see you back chief.

Thank you, I’ve been looking for over the moon for awhile and thought it was lost.

Hey, I don't spread the fact around either & for about the same reason.
Bronies usually make the top half of "Most annoying/pathetic fandoms"
& it can be embarrassing

Old guy rambling
Sam Clemens took the Penn name Mark Twain because
As a young man he was a steamboat pilot on the Mississippi river. He was very much a spendthrift & always looking for more cash to spend. So, one day he tried his hand at writing some humorous articles for a professional piloting magazine.

He later said "When the time came to submit the article, a difficulty arose: I discoved a hitherto unsuspected streak of modesty in my character. I was not modest all over, but I WAS modest in places and one of those places was in claiming credit for this article." So he thought of "Mark Twain" (riverboat term for 2 fathoms (12 feet) of water -the amount that most steamboats needed for safe travel.)

Later, he was a journalist in San Francisco. Still in need of money, he tried writing humous stories for magazines. But, he didn't want to use his own name for fear of compromising his reputation as a serious reporter. So, he dusted off his old pen name.

When the time came that a publisher was interested in publishing a collection of his short stories, he was told that they'd have to be published under the pen name because that's who the public knew as the author. Then, he was stuck using it for his later books -name recognition

So, you can see why your post brought this to mind :twilightblush:

Welcome back. I think I stumbled upon your stories a few months before you left and I was sad to see you go. I truly enjoyed what I had read and I'm very happy to see your return. I look forward to reading what you bring forth.

Glad to have ya back friend! I know how ya feel though, certain things would be very bad if one was to be discovered in the real world. For what little it's worth, I did really enjoy your writing style. You were probably one of the first lewd writers I followed around here.

Welcome back, Bust.

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