Small Holiday Break for Friendship Souls, but... · 6:08am Dec 22nd, 2019
Hey everyone, just posting this up to let everyone who reads Friendship Souls know that there won't be a new chapter on the 28th. I'm just taking a quick break for Christmas week, but we'll be right back to our regularly scheduled shenanigans soon.
Now, that being said, I'll be posting up the first few chapter of a new story, a crossover story between Friendship Souls and The Bridge. For those not familiar with The Bridge, it's a Godzilla/MLP crossover that's I've followed for awhile now, and it's not only one of my favorite crossovers on the site, but it's one of the stories that helped inspire me to write Friendship Souls in the first place due to the Equestria Girl's characters and arcs that eventually come into it. The character of Gaw is actually a crossover character tangentially from The Bridge lore, which was my first nod of respect to The Bridge, but I found myself wanting to do more and so the idea of a full-blown crossover story came to be, and has been worked on for awhile now. It's my sincerest hope it'll be entertaining to fans of either story, and maybe get some people interested in checking The Bridge out.
So expect the first part of this crossover sometime next Saturday, with the rest to come out by chapter as I get them ready.
I guess the beast realm is involved?
Merry Christmas.