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Jake The Army Guy

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Random Art Dump: Best Art of Best Filly! (WARNING: Some Suggestive Art) · 6:42am Dec 18th, 2019

Howdy, folks! First and foremost, as always, Adorable Applejack:

So let it be written, so let it be done...

Now then, I'm bored and feelin' frisky! Normally, that would entail booting up Firefox Incognito mode and logging into e621.net PornHub. Instead, I'll use this time to share the gospel of Best Filly!

Despite only appearing in two episodes, Babs Seed captured my heart like none of the other CMC's could. Her spunky attitude, her troubled past, her redemption arc, and adorable mannerisms and Manehatten accent just endeared her to me, such that she has remained my favorite filly on the show. I'm not sure why, honestly. I think it's mainly the redemption aspect. I am an absolute sucker for redemption, the idea that no one, no matter how cruel or vile, is beyond hope.

I remember at Bronycon... uh, 2014, I think it was, I got to ask a question at the VA panel that featured Babs' voice actress Brynna Drummond, daughter of Brian Drummond, who plays Mr. Cake and Ahuizotl, along with some unimportant character from some obscure anime. The question I asked was actually to Ashleigh Ball, asking her if, since she was a musician, she liked any bands that might surprise us. Ashleigh answered with Motörhead, forever cementing her as Best Voice Actress. However, as I left the mic for the next person, I added as a final thought...

"Babs is Best Filly."

So, I figured I'd drop a few of my favorite art pieces of the cutest, most adorable filly to ever grace the show. Enjoy!

Cousinly bonding. And that's all it is, ya pervs! Only Bad_Seed_72 can get away with otherwise...

Fuzzy-wuzzy cheeks hnnnnnggggggg...

Obligatory shipping Also why is Snips so hot with a beard...

Realistic art style is awesome

Quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach, so... two birds with one stone!

"What, ya hear fer a cut? Sit down, an' watch me work my magic!"

How to improve on Best Filly: make her exercise her 2nd Amendment rights! 'murica

Even if you don't have a dick, Babs will find a way...

>tfw you will never be as happy and adorable as this...

>tfw you will never have a super buff girlfriend who will bench press you and make you feel safe and loved...

The full Cutie Mark Crusader Lineup!

"Look, pally, my cousin put in a good word for ya, but you step outta line and I'll string you up by part of yer anatomy that I shouldn't even be aware of..."

The Filly without fear. The Devil of Hell's Feedbag

"What, you wanna go out wit me?! Heh... okay. Youse buyin', and I don;t settle for less than real Neightallian food."

Babs is Best Over-Protective Girlfriend

Babs is Best Metalhead

Admit it. You're terrified.

Little known fact, Babs is also Best Human suck it, Sunset Shimmer

"Yeah, dat's right. I'm Best Filly. Jealous?"

This was a triumph. I'm making a note her: Best Filly...

Comments ( 10 )

This is a nice collection of art that you have shared.

What a great set of pics. Honestly, that third one with the whole crew is my fave. Bloom & Taps and Snips & Babs TTPs.

Oh Dapples. I like that.

Cousinly bonding. And that's all it is, ya pervs! Only Bad_Seed_72 can get away with otherwise...

You know, the whole "Brian Drummond voiced Vegeta" thing never clicked for me until he voiced Seabreeze. Once he was voicing another irate, tiny leader of an endangered species, it all came together.


Babsnips is a surprisingly compelling ship. And he does pull of a beard very well.

And yeah, Babs-Zephyr interaction is one of the things I wish we'd gotten out of the series. I suppose there's still hope for the comics, if a slim one.

Lovely gallery all around. Thanks for sharing it.

Alright but like how does a beard work on a pony? They're already covered in fur, is this... extra fur? mane colored extra fur? Are there appliances to shave it? I know pones in the show have appeared with face hair but I never thought on it till now.

But best filly was only in some of those pictures... :scootangel:

Cousinly bonding. And that's all it is, ya pervs! Only Bad_Seed_72 can get away with otherwise...


The question I asked was actually to Ashleigh Ball, asking her if, since she was a musician, she liked any bands that might surprise us. Ashleigh answered with Motörhead, forever cementing her as Best Voice Actress


....as a metalhead this is my only response.

Never realized he was Vegeta, or Ahuizotl. Both are cool to know! I knew him as the voice of Gorgutz 'Ead 'Unter. I asked him what it was like to voice an Ork during a panel at a Ciderfest years ago, and some dudes at the back of the crowd immediately started WAAAAAAGHing.

The BabSnips stuff comes from MustLoveFrogs, who has a really interesting, fleshed out, and super well-drawn Antro AU. I recommend it, and their entire gallery.

So many Babs... Adorbs.

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