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The Masked Ghost

I am a ghost, I am alone, I am easily forgotten. I am a lone wolf, no one knows who I am, no one cares about me, but I care about them. Also I do some shit on here...

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    SEASON 30 PART 2

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Season 11 · 3:50am Oct 17th, 2019

Back to Plans
Back to Act I
Season 10
Season 12

The final season......of Act I....WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... "All good things must come to an end...because that's when Act 2 starts bitches" ~ Chairman Mao probably...

NOTE: Heads up, some of these notes/outline stuff is a few years old and half the stuff I don't remember so if it seems to be stupid, just remember nothing is set in stone. I know I keep saying it...but things change...

Season 11

Episode 248: an alien creature enemy returns (Working Title) (Season 11 premier)

From the space universe I believe.

A villain from Act II...

Episode 249: a human like being creature enemy returns (Working Title)

From that other universe.

A villain from Act II...

Episode 250: Mickey World Order

Basically, this one is the New Mickey World Order one. So Mickey even offers Craig, Knight, and Neon on his side to rule the world as the New Mickey World Order happens, while also killing the Jews since Mickey never liked them in the first place. However, in the end, Knight and the others try to figure out a way to stop Mickey and send in Craig to distract him, but Mickey catches on and sticks a gun in Craig’s back. However, Knight blows Mickey’s face off with a shotgun blast and somehow fall into a pit of spikes.

Update: I just want to explain or give a quick explanation to Mickey's Back-story. You see, Mickey along with the others such as Donald and Goofy along with Daisy and Pluto and Minnie were all created in a lab underneath the Walt Disney World Parks. They were created in a lab to replace the people in the costumes and when they were brought to life, Mickey's first words were 'Hot Dog.' Well, at first they were happy, but curious to the world around them, but as time slowly slipped by...Mickey slowly started to grow a dark side and wanted to be free and not in a lab being tested on. eventually one day, he waits for the scientists that were doing tests on him and he then kills them in sort of like Kingman movie fashion or something like that while 50's music plays in the back ground or Tiny Tim's Dancing in the Sunlight song playing in the background...yeah that song....and eventually offers freedom to the other characters as well. However, Daisy ejects to what Mickey has done and he kills her by plunging her skull in with a wrench from nearby. Then they go outside and head to the Disney headquarters where the CEO is at and he goes into his office while in a board meeting, where he breaks a window and pushes him out of it to where he falls to his death and Mickey becomes the new CEO of the company and kills any of the board members that ejects.

Then of course they need a place to live at, and so Mickey goes to the hood, finds an abandoned home, but has trouble fitting in with the hood community. He then hears about the two infamous gangs, the Bloods and the Cripps, so he tries to join the Bloods by the refuse him, so he joins the Cripps, and he slowly raises through the ranks, while having Goofy get killed in the process as well. And at one point, at one night, his gang is attacking the Bloods in the streets as Mickey is the leader of the Cripps, and on that night is chaos, as police are or were on it too, but they had to retreat as Mickey just goes all out and has a mini gun or something like that, killing the police and the bloods...and riding a motorcycle. With Minnie, she is worried about Mickey and what he has turned into, but Donald, who is slowly dying because with that the scientist made him out of of is slowly killing him and disfiguring him, Donald says he is just trying to fight for their own good and trying to give them freedom. That this is the price that they need to pay for their freedom and he is out there fighting for it. All he is trying to do is do good.

Later on that same night, Mickey goes to the blood's headquarters and starts wrecking the place up, eventually grabbing the leader of the Bloods and his men and killing them all one by one except for the main leader, in which case he makes him watch as what his kingdom is slowly burning in to the ashes. And Mickey says to the leader as morning rises and makes him sees the ashes of the place, "Look at this. This was once your kingdom. This was once your castle. But now your kingdom has fallen and your throne is now nothing but ashes. You are a king that has fallen and now you shall join along with these other ashes with all your men that died last night. " And then he kills him and he slowly becomes the king of the gangs as he merges them into one and he pretty much rules and pretty much found Craig and stuff later on...

Detail idea: Mickey Mouse origins episode: So basically, change it to where right he and the others break out of the lab, they are on the run and have to go and hide is they go to the hood, and everything comes after and only then when Mickey gets his gang and shit, he and the gang go and storm the castle/ the Disney headquarters with the all the board members inside of it and take back his rightful throne… Also, Mickey’s friends, Donald and Goofy and such, they all degrade away while Mickey is the only one that lives…

Detail Idea: Mickey World Order: Add something like the Blood and Crips into it, Mickey gets in between the gang warfare; Mickey lives in a made up hood with its own lore / myths nd legends / creatures and cryptids.

Song for inspiration, thank Ghost for this one I guess…

It's Piru Love if you're wondering...


1-21-24: Detail Idea: Mickey World Order: Mickey looks at himself in the mirror like James from Silent Hill 2. He remembers his friends happily before they were killed. Also kill the friends early rather than later; do it in the lab…. At the end of the first half. Then Mickey conquers the hood in the 2nd half by himself….

Episode 251: POV of Wolf/Others Of season 2 repeating itself (Working Title)

Same thing as before.

And I believe this is the last one too...so a trilogy of POV's. Not that it was terrible or anything, I like it, buuuuuut...with Act III it doesn't even matter anymore...so maybe more in alternate...

Episode 252: The TLF go to camp (Working Title)

The TLF get sent back Mac and Jack to camp, where it's sort of creepy, but also a cross with Camp Camp...you know, a low hanging fruit kind of camp where you make friends along the way, but really you just die on the inside...while the camp counselor plays the "Take your pants off" game...where you have to....take off a piece of clothing every time you can't balance a bottle of 'milk' on your head...

*Flashback intensifies*

Yeah so it'l be a fun episode, and it'll probably come back in Act III...so maybe a trilogy...trilogies are nice...

Episode 253: The Sombra Trilogy: The Empire Part 1

UPDATE: The Sombra Trilogy: Crystal Empire: So I’m kind of overhauling the Sombra trilogy stuff. Sombra was kind of weak as a villain, like in the show, but a bit more interesting in my opinion than the one in the show, but still kind of weak. But now I think I got it, although I think some might disagree but I like it. For the crystal empire episode, it’s the same idea as the original one, the real Crystal empire is underneath and what not, but changing a few things. First off, no EoH is involved. It starts off with EoP being invited to the Crystal Empire by the EoH, which the guys hate, but Knight drags them along since he is a personal student of Celestia after all still and still needs to make a god impression, especially with the Universe and what not. So they go there, they spend some time there, then they go off trail and accidently find a copy of the Crystal Empire underneath.

And they wake Sombra up, who is supposed to be… not there. And the story goes is that there in another universe Sombra was a villain, blah blah, blah, but then discovered the outside of the universe and was “touched” by something, and sees life in a different light. And his main goal has been to investigate and discover the power of the universe, while secretly trying to do the bidding of some dark creature hiding in the dark zone where the dark creature (unnamed for) wants to revert all universes back to its primitive state. For example, you know The Big Crunch theory, where the universe just kind of collapses on itself.

It’s kind of like that, a return to darkness for all though, but seen an honest positive light by doing this. And as Sombra went discovering the power of the universes, his powers grew and grew, but not too much and his form kind of changes where he’s kind of tall and has a black miss to him sort of like Black. Anyways, later on he crafts a sword with the help of the dark creature that Is very power and can help revert back time in the universe if used at the right place and right time. But the sword is a special one since it messes with time and all of that, it needed a counter sword, which was placed somewhere. And it kind of does the opposite. Sombra has the sword that is black while the other sword is white.

But then one day something weird happen where the crystal empire in that universe disappeared and re-appeared in the Mane universe. But not for some random reason, but of Neon and the energy the sword was attracted to. But it kind of froze them, so a bit of a setback. And it put everypony to sleep for a long long time, and was eventually frozen over, but Sombra was able to sort of capsule it at the last second… or something, haven’t thought that part yet. And for years it was underneath the crystal empire in the Mane universe. And that is when the EoP discover it, although the EoH never find out about it. And in some ways, in spirit, it’s the real Crystal Empire… but not really…

And even though it’s one story, as tradition as it’s from the show, it’s broken up into the two parts.

The first part is the intro, finding the empire, and trying to wake up the ponies. But before the ponies get woken up, they accidently wake up Sombra first, and he just hides at first. But then about halfway through they are able to wake up the ponies. But then they find out about the sword and Sombra’s plan, and Sombra goes into his private quarters and gets the sword. Also the guys find out they can’t escape the empire as they trapped inside the capsule

OLD: Makes fun of S3 E1 from the show, and also it's a bit hard to explain now, but long explanation short, the crystal empire that the mane six saved was a fake crystal empire. And that the villain pony that I forgot the name to, was a fake one and the real one is somewhere in the arctic of Equestreia and Knight and his friends goes to save it.

Update: A small idea to add that the guys find the second real Crystal empire underground, in which case they do something and it raises from underground and into ground level...

Detail Idea: The Sombra Trilogy: The 3 Sombras. The reverting one. The electric one. And maybe the fake one? That’s the main focus or theme that is anyways. And the electric one and maybe the fake is good. Edit, scratch the fake one it's the urban one instead, explained later...

Detail Idea: Sombra 1: A slight change of plans. So the Sombra that the EoH know is still fake while the EoP meet the real ones. However the crystal Ponies that the EoH know will be changed to being real. And the crystal ponies that the EoP find are lost Crystal ponies that went missing and nobody knows about. Reason is that I feel like doing it the other way made the crystal ponies feel kind of cheap and this feels like a better balance. Then again I do still like the other idea, so probably not 100% sure, but for now I’m heavily considering this change in direction. Not that it matters since it doesn’t change the plot, just changes the lore only.

10-21-23: Detail Idea: First Sombra episode: Sombra is like Ultima from Final Fantasy 16 with dead looking eyes that sink in a tad bit, so you know… you’re scared of him just by looking at him….

Episode 254: The Sombra Trilogy: The Empire Part 2

The second part continues where the last one left off, and that they must try to find the other sword. Problem is no one knows where it is, but there is a Third option, like always… and the sword is a silver sword, a sort of in between that can counter both and bring balance and is nearby. So the hunt is on as Sombra tries to escape from the capsule and earns of the power the Mane universe can hold considering Neon and the first universe and stuff. And by the end, they get the Silver Sword, Knight battles Sombra, and because of the Silver sword brings balance back, it kind of sets the empire to sort of revert back to its original universe, but it will put the ponies back to sleep, possibly forever. But as a sort of sad goodbye, the ponies say that it’s ok, and that maybe it’s ok to sleep forever, and all that they ask to prevent Sombra from reaching his overall goal and putting everyone to sleep forever. And before Sombra escapes, he tells Knight he’ll be seeing him again.

OLD: Again...no matter how long, gets split into two...also Sombra will come back and play a bigger role...probably...in ACT III...

Episode 255: The Many Neons

Detail Idea: Too Many Neons: Ok, so as usual, originally it was supposed to be a parody, and it’ll do that a little bit, but I’ve got more of an idea though. It mostly focuses on Neon and his back-story a little bit, well it delves a little bit deeper and such. Anyways, they guys suggest going and do that mystical thing with a lake and if you say something, you’ll get a double and stuff, and might try to dare each other or something like that. But then Neon gets worried and says to not go there. But then one of them takes a picture of Neon and sees if that would do anything, and they go there and they accidentally make a Neon double, they mess around with that double for the entire day, and the original Neon isn’t too pleased with this and shit happens and what not. And as they all go to bed, the double Neon goes back to the lake and brings out all the other Neons, and then once morning comes, the guys have to face the many Neons problems only problem, as they try and do so, it looks like the many Neons are looking for something, as well as acting weird and strange.

And stuff happens and eventually it comes to the point where everything cracks, time stops still, and the sky turns to red and the trees become dead. And then all the Neons close their eyes and then they become shadows, and then they open their eyes and their eyes become nothing but red and then they all soon form together into one big neon and all speak in unison. They demand to know where the original Neon is at, they fight, the original Neon comes by, tries to save the day, but as he goes to attack his many other shelves, the many Neons slightly tap him and the old Neon crashes into a wall, and goes to “sleep”, but then as he falls, he is caught by the many Neons and his soul per says or the power within him, which is a soul, gets taken out and the old Neon would be asleep forever, never to be awoken again. As for the many Neons, they yell out into the sky that they are free, that they have broken the circle that has bounded them for too long.

They have been in an endless loop through all the universes, pain and suffering on an endless basis, as well as saying perhaps they cannot let them win. And then the many Neons kill the guys, but Knight is sort of saved by an incarnation of the old Neon, as well as the Fates/Travellers, tells him that he can’t die yet, and gives him a hint as to what is going on and such since none of what the many Neons is saying gets explained. And then Knight saves the old Neon’s body, shit happens, the old neon comes back once more, and then they all defeat the many Neons and send them back to the pool thingy and seal it forever and ever as well as the many eons saying something backwards gibberish before they go, vowing to come back again hopefully or that they don’t want to suffer no more pain and begs not to go back, but they do…forever…and everything goes back to normal.

As for the whole many Neons thing, the idea, although it’s concrete yet, is that back in Episode 17 where he created the universe and since this universe in particular is the main one, Neon knew that there would be other parallel ones. And that all universes at some point have to go the way of the south, so to ensure the existence of the main universe for all of eternity, he send out the stress that is being pushed on to the main universe and spreading it out to all the other universe since they are fucked anyways and the many Neons have to suffer through that pain and through many different lives and such and in fucked up ways in an endless loop in order to ensure the original universe’s survival.

With gaining Neon’s soul, they would be at least be able to set themselves free and be happy for once, but the OG universe would be in danger in the universe of collapsing, but in the end, it all ties back to Neon’s back-story, where he was born, who his family was, and such, which never gets reveled…

Little Episode Detail: The Many Neon’s: What I said with the G3/3.5 episode details, this sort of ties in a little bit. But what I want to bring up is the whole universe thing and what Neon did to the main, MLP universe that he is living and stuff like that. Well, like I said before, Neon took the stress that was being put pressure on within the universe and sending it outwards so the main universe can live on forever and ever. The thing is every other universe would have to go the way of the south one day, either one by one or some great purging event comes along and wipes every other universe away. However, with what Neon did, he made sure the existence of the main MLP universe, the one that’s in the canon will sure survive forever and ever and for all of eternity.

But of course how? Well for starters, when the time comes where ever other universes die off and the main one is the only one that remains, then there sort of is still the outside of the universe that exists…sort of. If to say the universe were to die in some way, which it wouldn’t, but if it were to, then there would be the outside of the universe once more, but since it’s the only universe in existence, then that universe basically expands into the outside of the universe to put it in basic terms...nothing is nothing. It does not exist; there is always this one, main, big universe that is all that exists. There is no outside of the universe by this point unless it dies, but since it won’t, then there is no point for the outside of the universe to exist as the universe just expands into the others. But of course this does not mean Neon magically make the main universe into a god of some kind that will live forever.

At the end of the day, it’s still a normal universe. So what Neon did when he made all those clones of himself and spend them outward to take the stress away from a normal universe, was that he made it possible for them to go into a loop. And I’m not talking about a big bang, the a big crunch, then a big bang, then a big crunch, ect. No, instead, he made it a loop from in between the big bang and the big crunch so that the beginning or the end will never be met. And that basically means whatever the life span of the universe once was, which was a pretty big one specially since it essential becomes an infinite one…in a sense, although technically infinite does not exist but…let’s not get into that. The idea here is that right before it gets to the end of the universe it jumps back towards the beginning as if nothing happened and everything that happens in UM will basically happen again...except for Knight and Neon. Knight is still born, The Universe is still there, but neon may or may not be there. He was the main one that did the whole big bang thing, but it either means he is everywhere, or he is reborn again but as something else.

It’s a mystery, but essentially, it’ll continue in this loop forever and ever, ensuring the existence of the universe, as well as this universe’s MLP. It’ll just go into a loop forever and ever and for all of eternity, but it’ll survive no matter what, preventing it’s inevitable death from ever coming. So unless something breaks this time loop, which neon more than likely made sure it would be impossible to do so…then everything goes on and on and on…if that makes any sense that is…

Detail Idea: The Many Neons: The Neon from Two Neons, the evil one, comes back maybe in this one?...

Episode 256: One Bad Failed Abortion

Makes fun of S3 E4 form the show.

Ok...so the idea is that Shadow has his long lost cousin come over that hasn't been associated with the apple family for years that Mac forgot about in his little black book...has him come over, is excited, and when the bullies comes, the cousin defends Shadow, and everything seems to be going well...until the cousin starts an illegal racket that will get Shadow in trouble. As well as some other things...and so he tries to get his cousin t stop, but this in turn makes him pissed of and then he turns into an over exaggerated bully, and Shadow gets Knight to help him out. Knight is egged on, but eventually agrees, thinks it's only going to take a few minutes, but then the cousin gets his little gang together, as well as a little mech, and so Knight has to take down his racket, while Mac is off doing something...plotting something while being drunk. He tries to kill applejack again, mentions AJ about the cousin in which case...trouble happens as a bigger connections come through. And by the end of it, it turns out that the cousin (And I guess Mac technically counts as well...) has a connection to that gangster squad episode villains...and that ties into the third and final gangster squad episode thingy...

Episode 257: Douchebag Duel

Makes fun of S3 E5 from the show.

Update: Magnificent douchebag returns episode = he was supposed to be in the spotlight, but never was or never had a chance to have character development, so he’s back for revenge somehow…so he isn’t forgotten anymore, which might reflect on TF and Knight kind of deal…about not being forgotten…and it might be that the magnificent douchebag was created by a filly who saw Trixie and wanted her own, but got douchebag instead and she forgot about him in the end and came to the universe and blah blah balh…looking for her…blah blah blah, needed some comfort to find a place to call home…

Update: Douchebag / Harry escapes from everfree Prison and uses the Major as a scapegoat...and then we go from there...

Episode 258: Sleepless on Elm Street

Makes fun of S3 E6 from the show, and also Misty Midnight is also in trouble in this episode as well and Knight is asked of Arctic to protect her while on the trip.

Also White also gets into a bit of trouble as starts to have a little of a groundhog day kind of deal, but with either nightmares or the day itself, and so he has to figure that out as well.

And Shadow...well just like the show, he's afraid of a mythical creature in the woods.

Episode 259: Wonderbolts Academy of retards

Makes fun of S3 E7 from the show.

Update: So I have a slight idea for a plot for this episode. The idea is that Forrest is first in the academy, but then gets kicked out, so the episode is basically about him trying to get back while also being on illegal property...

Episode 260: Apple Family of Mac

Makes fun of S3 E8 from the show.

It'll probably be about AJ finally letting Mac join in the reunion, but one of his friends has to keep an eye on him, so Mac chooses Knight, so he comes along. And Arrell really wanted to come along, so he gets a bit jealous and wants to sabotage, so he brings Forrest along with him and try to ruin the event, and when certain bad things happen, AJ blames it on Mac...a more chilled, relaxed episode in other words...

Episode 261: Wolf on your grave stone

Makes fun of S3 E9 form the show.

my only idea for this one is that Arrell finally gets to examine Wolf and gets to see what makes him tick as he is just a bunch of sticks after all...and somehow that equals to a living organism...

Detail Idea: Spike at your Service parody: Mac and Wolf run off together thinking it’s the Applejackolypse. Wolf is on drugs so he believes it too, and they both go to a secret bunker that Mac had installed somewhere deep in the Everfree for just in an occasion and they both fucking nuts and loses their minds in there while the others try to find them. In the beginning of the episode though, Wolf and Knight have a little argument, Wolf walks out and stays with Mac for a bit to blow off some steam and serve him kind of…

Episode 262: Keep Calm and Arrell will take care of it (A.K.A. The 3rd Discord Episode of the Discord trilogy)

Episode idea: Third discord episode: Where the alternate universe discords come and fight…The idea with this episode is that everything is normal, but then all of a sudden all of the discords comes out from before and it’s basically an army of God Discords and shit with one or two of them being Nightmare God discords. And then the leader of them all is called Punished Discord or Punished God Discord where half of his body is burnt and his left or right arm is replaced with a very weird, but strong robotic arm that can withstand some of the strongest elements within a billion universes. And he smokes…because why not…and he may or may not wear one of those things that you would wear in a desert, you know like it’s a poncho, or something like that, but it’s very tattered or something on the lines like that. Anyways, Punished God Discord was from an alternate universe where Knight and the others almost beat him, (you know...the second one..), but he beat them, but at the last second Knight in that universe caused an explosion that destroyed his universe, burnt half his body and lose of his arm...along with knowledge across countless universes. And what ended up happening was that he ended up becoming a smart discord, like a Super Scientist God Discord compared to just the destructive discord from before and he has knowledge beyond Knight or even the Master’s comprehension. And the reason why Knight’s universe is the only universe to have survived is that it’s a rare 1 in 1,145,863,854,855,956,725,843,946,854,376,915,786,649,845,196,751,469,369,458,745,691,711,911 chance of something like that ever happening and…that’s about it for right now. Of course it’ll have something to do with time travel a little bit where they have to align most of universes to correctly balance out the parts where Knight won or something like that and The Master may or may not show up in this one.

For the third Discord episode of the trilogy, the endgame of it all is where Knight and the guys try and rebalance the universes where Punished God Discord fucked it all up at. And the endgame of it all is one big huge battle with an army of the EoP (alternate universes of themselves) versus an army of God discords, some Nightmare discords, and one ultimate form of Discord back in the first part. And in the end, the alternate selfs get sent back to their respective universes, the discords are killed and/or destroyed, and Punished God Discord gets sent back to his universes where he gets stuck in a time loop where he has to suffer his own death again and over and over and over and over for all of eternity, although he did make a device thingy earlier or did something that could make him come back intentionally, but it’s not 100% implied.

Update: 1. Punished God Discord’s motivation is that he wants to ensure his own existence, as he fears that if in any universe that the EoP exist, his existence will be threatened, as he broke a certain circle himself, and is out of the loop. Which means he defies the Fates/Travellers, and may or may not have knowledge of the Universal Magic Theory. And so he has to wipe out all versions of EoP, and possibly use the Universal Magic Theory to wipe out any infinite versions of EoP that happen to come up.

2. To go more into detail about the final battle; the EoP have gathered as all of their alternate universe self’s back from the second Discord Episode, both where they win and fail. And Discord has done the same where he has brought an army of God Discords, some Nightmare God Discords, which act like tanks, and one Ultimate Form discord, as in Discord’s ultimate For back from the first Discord Episode. And so they are all in this black, endless void of space where it isn’t space, but Nowhere Land instead. A place where nothing exists but yet what exist within exists. Anyways, the main EoP puts on eye patches to help tell themselves from the others apart, as well as wear black capes, and command their alternate selves as an army to fight the other discords. The plan is to try and rebalance everything. So at some point within the battle, they send a portion of the discords and their alternate selves back to their timelines where the EoP fail to defeat God Discord. And then later on, they send the rest back to the timelines where the EoP do win the battle back from the second discord episode.

And during this big battle, it’s just one big army of EoP fighting God Discords, some Nightmare God Discords, and one set of alternate EoP using their elements to form that ghost like phantom creature back from the first Discord episode to fight the Ultimate Form Discord. And the main EoP…they get to Punished God Discord, they fight hi. And as the alternate selves gets sent back to their respective universes, Nowhere Land becomes more barren until it’s only them, and that’s when the EoP defeats Punished God Discord.

Also The Master helps the guys out get the alternate selves into battle and the EoP might visit where The Master lives in his world…

Update: Detail Idea: Third discord episode: PGD is afraid of the EoP because of what they did in The Many Neons episode and afraid that they will put him back in the loop…

Detail Idea: Third discord episode: There can only be one Punished God Discord, no alternates, as he is out of the loop

The idea is that PGD is wanting to find the Universal Magic Theory, and of course The Inca knows of it, so he goes to see him, and the EoP along with some of The Fates try and run after PGD before he gets to The Inca, and The Inca and his crew aren’t exactly in the mood to be messed with. And PGD demands to have the theory, but The Inca refuses, especially since he is technically still working on it, but has a “version of it”. And The Inca won’t give it up, so PGD then “flies” into him and an intense fight beings that takes PGD and The Inca along with his crew into many different universes. One universe where two dark figures out in a weird ass looking jungle in another universe. And the two were once friends, but does not say this in English, and then as they are about to fight, one gets knocked off due to PGD and The Inca fighting. Eventually The Inca really starts to punch hard and back, and really does one punch to the jaw, but PGD just rubs it a little and says that he is disappointed that he couldn’t even land a scratch on him. And PGD fucks him up. And soon the battle ends on a little rocky planet near a sun and other planets in the distance, and PGD gets the theory and walks away. Meanwhile, EoP and the Fates try and find the theory, assuming The Inca didn’t have it on him or try to find something to end PGD, which stumble upon something, and in the end, The Inca comes back and they have to hide and The Inca is all cranky and shit from losing the fight…

Detail idea: PGD: a second Forrest comes along for the ride, when the EoP are escaping the facility that is holding all the alternate EoP, they come across a second Alternate Forrest that has escaped and begs to come along with them...and it's the same Forrest that the Mane Forrest kicks in the end...

Detail idea: Third Discord episode: since PGD’s metal arm is made out of the strongest metal he has come across, if he ever found an even stronger metal, he would replace his arm with that metal.

Third Discord episode: EoP spend a night at The Master’s home before they do the final battle, after they get something The Inca’s place and PGD took the unfinished Universal Magic theory…

Detail Idea: Discord 3: The reason why the fates are so worried about PGD getting the Universal Magic Theory and that he could destroy the imbalance throughout all of the universes, unintentionally of course since all he wants to protect himself from the EoP.

Detail Idea: The ending fights for PGD and for the SSN Saga possibly takes place in the Dark Zone.

Detail Idea: Discord 3: PGD is referred to as The Discord since Punished God Discord would be weird and redundant to say… but he is still PGD…

Episode 263: Just for losers

Makes fun of S3 E11 from the show.

Another episode about Wolf...and him interacting with the pets for once...from the other guys...

Episode 264: SSN: Games Ponies Play With Protection

Makes fun of S3 E12 from the show, and also has a dirty joke title to go with it as well.

This is where the Game Master will be placed at where SSN and the other villains so far will have to battle it out, including Second Neon maybe...

Episode 265: Magical Beetles Cure

OLD: Makes fun of S3 E13 from the show along with a bunch of beetles songs since the original episode had a title that referenced the beetles as well. That and Knight turns into an alicorn again in this one.

Now I have run out of time, but we're not quite done yet with season 9, but we're almost here. Just three more left, and let me tell you, that these three last ones are epic because they have TF in it, and this is what I was talking about before with his revenge plan, and trust me, he goes all out on this one and shows no mercy. Then after that its Season 23 since I do want to go in chronological order, and then back to season 11, since I already went over season 10 before. Then we start to change things up a bit.

Also keep in mind that some of these chapters does sound like it's just parodies or it's just random and might not be that good, but you'll be surprised what I can do with a small random chapter. I can take that and turn it into a complex story with twists and turns and enhances the plot, I just need some time is all.

Two, on Episode whatever it was with the one where Knight turns into an Alicorn, I forgot to mention that he goes ahead and gives himself an injection that makes him turn back into a unicorn. A drug that he made up in his basement, where he can be n earth pony, unicorn, Pegasus, or even an alicorn if he wished to do so, by growing wings, a horn, or not having them at all, with simple genetics and shit like that. Celestia even sees this and she is also surprised about the basement as she finally finds out about it, although I also forgot to mention way back in the beginning of the episode, Twilight finds out about the basement however in exchange for Knight telling her what he has done and science stuff, she will keep the place a secret. Anyways, Knight refuses to be an Alicorn unless everything is fixed, because he knows that the universe is going to make him do it one way or another however if he's going to do it, he wants to make sure everything will be safe and sound, for TF is still on the loose. However, Knight just tells them, "I will not turn into an alicorn until the time is right...and that time isn't here yet."

Then they just go on their own separate ways, and technically Knight is still a student of Celestia however, it's just not as much though.

Anyways, we skip a few months later...hold on.

Update: I have no idea what I wrote...roll with it I guess...

NEW and CURRENT: Detail Idea: Magical Mystery Cure parody episode: The episode is like Freaky Friday or that other switching movie, but I forget the name to it… The Switch Up? I don’t know, but the idea is that everyone in the EoP except for Knight switches bodies and Knight has to fix while the others live each other’s lives. This also has consequences since the one who has Neon’s body becomes corrupted. But everything at the end when everything is fixed stays the same; Knight gets wings but then refuses them from Celestia…

Detail Idea: Magical Mystery Cure parody episode: Everyone sings nonstop? No room for regular dialogue? I don’t know…

Episode 266: TF returns part 1

Update: Ok..for starters, this is the big finalie for the first ACT...very fitting I must say...and deserves the big three parter...because better than Season 9 MLP finale...

Also, I don't have it all laid out yet, but remember the 69 demons from the Episode Followers? Even though I didn't bring it up at all during this ACT other than that episode, it's not like I've forgotten about it. My plan is that the 69 "demons" will be spread throughout the ACT as stated before, and whatever is left, will be used in this three parter. Probably 10 or 11, or something like that, and then after that, the 69 "Demons" are over with and such...so just saying...it ain't over yet...booooooooooooiii...

Also this will probably be bigger than I detail here...it is a big deal after all by this point...

As I was saying, a we skip a few months later and everything has been good with Knight and we start off with him walking from Ponyville because he visited Twilight and shit like that. Then a pony comes out of nowhere and attacks him, and of course Knight attacks him however, soon the pony collapses and then explodes from the inside, as there was a bomb that was on the inside of him that was surgically there that TF put there to send Knight a message. Well as the ashes are floating in the air, a few pieces of burnt paper are floating in the wind, and Knight catches one and reads it, and then he has a surprised face and runs straight back to Stalia and leaves the paper behind, for it is signed by TF with a message of him coming back.

However, why would a villain let his presence be known and not take him by surprise? Well he's so insane he's one of those gentleman villain types, kind of like that one villain from Sherlock Holmes 2. They were both equally insane, and so is TF and Knight. Well Knight runs back home, and Wolf asks what's wrong and Knight tells him everything, and he tells Wolf to get the guys together for a group meeting. Well they do and then Knight explains everything to them, not really but explains that the reason why he didn't want to turn into an alicorn just yet is because one enemy that he fears the most and if he were to be an alicorn. That means Cantorlot could be attacked if he was to be there at one point and shit like that, and so he tells his friends the only way to beat him to play his game of Cat and Mouse and be three steps ahead of him.

Knight does say that as they will have to leave Stalia for the next two or three months, and so they leave everything behind and shit like that to embark on a journey they have no idea that they are going into. Now as for what happens next, the only ideas that I have for this episode is that they get into a mountain side and they almost fall off a cliff. And as Knight is hanging on top them and trying to pull them up, a pony that was hired by TF is holding Knight at gun point and shit like that, and that TF sent an assassin to take care of them.

They even run into the crystal empire of all things and even talk to Shining Armour and of course he asks what they are out there and why, and eventually that hired hit man comes around and tries to kill them. And of course the guys run away while Shining armour tries to stop the guy from hurting them, but eventually he breaks his legs, although he will still be able to recover from it but will be a painful experience though, and runs after them. Then the guys runs into a snow storm and end up near a cliff, and have no other choice but to jump down the icy cliff as the hit man is on their trail.
There is more to it of course but I haven't fully figured it out yet.

Episode 267: TF returns part 2

So the only ideas that have for this is that it starts off with the guys in a cave for a while as they try and escape the snow storm, and Neon gets hurt but eventually heals up. Another things is that they end up going Saddle Abria, and the prince of Saddle Abria is an old friend of Knight. So he takes them in and he even considers him or them to be his friends, and there is a bit of comedy there to lighten things up a bit. But then the hit man comes in and the prince tells them to run as he grabs out a whole arsenal of weapons and then fights him to the death and eventually succeeds, however his bitch of a wife is nagging him to death of how he messed up the palace is and shit like that. Well, with the hit man down, the guys can concentrate and trying to get to TF's location, and a few more things happen and they eventually come across a small village somewhere in the...I don't know how to explain it, but it's sort of like one of those villages in Vietnam I suppose, but not Vietnam...I don't know.

Well. Eventually the guys know that TF is hiding there, and TF knows that they are there, however he is a gentleman and will wait until they find him and then he will fight. So they playa little hide and seek, with none of TF's man jumping in and trying to kill them. And the guys also learn of bombs that are ready to go off anytime that the trigger to the bombs are with some pony else in a gang in a city far off to the edges of Equestria (Maybe not), and it's a it's a technological advanced city and has a futuristic tone it a bit (Kind of like Tokyo). Well, eventually Knight finds TF, however while they are fighting he releases a deadly disease causing gas that is spread throughout the small village.

Some ponies are then dying and catching the disease, while others are wearing masks to protect themselves. Well Knight and TF fights and then Knight then hit's TF's mouth so hard he basically damages it and he says he will be back to pick TF up after he locates and disables the bombs, and that he wins, however that is what TF wants him to think. Other than that, I have no other ideas to add to it but will in the future.

TF returns idea: When knight and the guys get to the little village area, as they are settling in one of the little houses, TF comes walking by, slowly his voice getting louder and louder as they get to the door closer and closer while his goons/guards are walking beside him, and by the time he gets to the door, the guys are looking at the door and TF give them as he turns his the same look Tempest gave the mane 6 from the mlp movie where she finds them at capper’s house. However, instead of fighting, TF is there only to talk, as he says that while they are enemies, it does not mean they can’t be gentlemen towards each other…

Episode 268: TF returns part 3 (Season 11 finale)

So we begin with the guys finally returning to the city and trying to locate the bombs, however...well after that I drawn a blank, however Knight then knows that TF is back and his mouth has been fixed...kind of. He has to rather wear a Bane sort of mask around his mouth, sort of like from the Dark Knight Rises movie with the bane mask and sound like him as well, except you can actually tell what he is saying. Well other than that, the other ideas is that the guys go to the mayor of the city, and that he basically let TF's men take over and shit and even kind of tried to kill him but only because he told him to and that he has taken his family hostage. Well then a bunch of screens comes out of nowhere that TF set up and that TF was listening on their conversation the entire time and knew he would betray him and that the deal he made with TF is off. Not only that but TF says he has listening devices across the city. Well then TF says that he is going to slowly kill his family, first with his wife, in which he makes the kids watch, in which he pours gasoline over her, beat her to a bloody pulp, and cut her throat while setting her on fire.

Then TF says that he is going to let the mayor have a little mercy and let him choose which one of his kids live or dies. However, he says not a single word, and TF makes the choice for him, and he says, "Like Mother Like Daughter, that should be a saying, but only insane men would think that it shouldn't, men like you and everyone else in this city thinks that." Then he cuts off the daughter's hand while the brother watches, and keep in mind these are 7 or 8 year old kids. And then he pours gasoline over her but instead of cutting her throat, he cuts her face off with a very thin chain saw that is very rusty, and then lets her loose so she can run in pain, while he orders his men to brake her legs and beat her to death.

That's might be a little too over kill but I still have time to decide. Then TF tells the mayor he can have his son at a certain location that he gives him, which they then go to that location. The mayor sees his son and they hug, until TF kills his father by sniping his head off in front of the kid, so Knight quickly takes the kid and brings him to his relatives, which he does asks the kid of course where they live of course. The only other idea left is that it's a morning and it's a huge event because the first ever metal/ engine aircraft that ship is about to take off instead of the old wooden ships, and that Knight and the guys figure out that TF is on the ship and is possibly going to sabotage it. They go on board while also alerting the security on the ship which they also get into a fight to and then when they get to the deck, they find out that TF isn't there at all and that TF has rigged the engines to blow up when it gets to a certain height.

And that he can manually control the ship when it takes off and when it doesn’t from a control room somewhere underneath the city. Well the ship takes off and is about to go forward a bit, and then the engines explode and then the ship crashes into the city killing millions and costing billions in damage... And to get a better picture of what I'm saying, it's that one scene from Star Trek 2, where the ship crashes into Earth and it destroys a lot of shit. It's like that except this time it does even more damage and even parts of the ship flies out which results in Neon being taken out of the ship while he says, "Weeeeeeeeeeee!", and everyone else is being tossed around.

After the ship causes a lot of death and damages, TF and his men comes up and tells to Knight's face that he has won. And that he and the boys made a bet and shit which I forgot what but he says he loses and he kills one of his men and shit like that and even tells him that since he is a gentleman. That he will give Knight and his friends one week to live before he comes there and gives them a respectable death and mentions about committing suicide and not becoming what he wanted to be in life. And which Knight remembers when he was back on Earth that at one point he came very close to committing suicide by blowing his head off at a motel with a shotgun, but didn't. Because he felt like he had nothing else to live for in live.

Well, soon TF goes and the guys goes and tries to find Neon if he is still alive, which he is and he is at a table in a little cafe on top of a building, and he is happy as fuck, and he tells the guys to look over the city. Then Neon presses a button, where a classic music, I don't know the name to but I'll figure it out, and that it plays over the city's speakers and shit, and that the places that the gang hideouts were at who pretty much was part of TF's businesses and bomb shit. It explodes killing them in the process, as TF is extremely pissed off at this as well and goes after them and is going to kill them right then and there.

Well, Knight is so surprised by this and thanks Neon for what he has done, and shit like that and then they go home, and when they get home Celestia, Luna, and Twilight are there, wondering where the hell they have been at for the past 3 months. And then they get in, fix themselves a drink, and the guys think it over except that Knight says that it's not and that he only led TF to the final spot where he will end it at.

And TF happens to be there in Stalia, and keep in mind it's late at night, and he calls Knight out and then they fight to the death, one-on-one, and eventually in the end, Knight uses a very powerful spell that not even Celestia could use it. Which he casts TF into stone, however he puts it so much stone on him it would be almost impossible for him to escape, considering how discord escaped from his stone prison before. Well, he then tells Celestia to put him in a prison where no one else is at, and that it should be guarded by dragons, while every pony else thinks it is not necessary to do that, however Knight insists on doing so because he is very dangerous. They end up doing that and guarded by the toughest of all dragons in that universe and Celestia also makes Knight an Alicorn and were going to have a coronation ceremony, however Knight doesn't want it.

Now keep in mind, if this were to ever get animated, I do think that these TF revenge episodes could be altogether and be the movie of it when you think about it, and it could be in a way I suppose.

Fun Fact...Did you know...that I had originally made this story not to last more than a 100 episodes. In fact I only had intended for under a 100 episodes. I had planned to only make fun of the show and have TF come in here somewhere along with the Alicorn days. However ever since I did that Doctor Whooves episode and someone told me it was their favourite because it wasn’t trying to make fun of the show, I made a shit load of more episodes. Pretty awesome, right?

Update: Holy shit...feel like it has been forever since I thought about this episode, but now I have a few big changes I would like to add to this particular part. Where shall we begin? Well let's go back to that metal ship part. What happens is that TF is controlling the metal ship that looks like it belongs in the water, you know just like how the show does it, and TF is making it go up to the edge of the atmosphere, basically the place between space and the atmosphere, so when the ship gets to that specific part, TF makes the ship stop. As the ship is going up, one of the guys ask Knight, "What's going to happen if this ship reaches space?"

And Knight responds with, "If it isn't made for space, it isn't made for space." And so when TF makes the ship just kind of like hover in place, the guys can see the moon and one of them makes a joke, "Wow...that's where Luna was banished to...I wonder if there is any moon rock shaped dildos there?" And then of course Neon makes a joke about the moon crabs or some shit like that. Anyways, Knight tells the guys to get back in their seat and pay attention to what TF has to say. So they do and TF then says he'll stop the ship's engines so it'll crash into the city like a big meteorite and cause a lot of harm to Equestria in a way. And so TF stops the engines and leaves them for dead. So as the thing is basically falling from space, Knight or maybe one of the other 5 ponies there try to re-wire the ship's engines or some shit like that so the ship doesn't crash like a meteorite.

Well they are successful just by a few seconds and the ship is slowly moving forward while still hovering at the same altitude above the city, but soon the engines fail completely, the guys pushes the emergency eject button and escape from the ship as the ship flips on to its side and basically re-enacts that ship crashing scene in Star Trek Into Darkness. And the guys land on some top of tall building except for Neon, who does that bomb thing that I mentioned earlier.

And there is death and destruction everywhere and shit like that, and so basically it continues from where I left off on what I said up top and shit like that, except with TF, he finds out they survived, but makes no big deal of it seeing that he has won the whole cat and mouse game...but Neon blows up his shit underground, and a joke is made of how many ponies died and shit like that. And so in the end, the guys have won, TF is pissed, and they all go home back to Knight's home, and when they get there, Celestia and shit like that is waiting there for Knight and as they are about to relax and talk, TF has followed them home, Celestia and the others find out that he is Knight's old enemy, Twilight suggests reforming him, then they find out that he has caused all of that trouble in that city, so Celestia suggests taking him in, but then Knight says that he'll take care of it.

And so Knight and TF fight it out with punches and shit like that, , and when tF is down and pretty much weak and can't get up, Knight and the others get their elements outs and Knight says as they approach TF, "By the power invested in me and in the country of Equestria, I now pronounce...fuck you..." And so the Elements of Protection use their elements and surround TF in either a lot of colors or light or a little storm or some shit like that...and as TF is slowly is being encased into stone, he says, "This is not over...We will see each other again Knight...the fire has already started burning Equestria....and you and your friends shall be engulfed by the flames...and all shall burn..." And after the dust and shit like that clears...TF is revealed to be in stone, Celestia suggest putting him in the Cantorlot garden just like with Discord, but then Knight suggests to put him a safer place.

Then Knight gets his wings, and keep in mind it's night time during the whole fight thing, and by the morning, Knight refuses not to have a coronation and he gets a confirmation as to where TF is being held at. And it soon turns out that TF is being held in a dungeon within a prison being guarded by dragons far far away, and by the toughest dragons there is throughout the land. And as TF is being placed in his little hell hole, he says while being encased in stone, "All shall burn..." And then we cut to this song: Spandau Ballet - True


And I was thinking a little post credit scene after that where Knight, TK, and Factory Dash or somewhere in the desert in the middle of the night with the stars out, two other guys comes out in a vintage car or some shit like that, they talk...and ACT I ends....and it goes out with GTA V way....

Detail Idea: TF Returns: In the end fight scene with TF and when the EoP come back to Stalia, instead of the EoH showing up and waiting on them, we’re going to scrap that and just have the EoP return with no pony waiting for them. And then after Knight does what he does, he gets his wings magically that he would then need to explain to EoH and Celestia in the beginning of ACT III. As for TF, somehow he gets thrown in with a group of “extreme” dragons called The Black Dragons that are cut off from the others that the EoP would have maybe met in that Lord of the rings like episode from way earlier…

9-21-23 Detail Idea: TF Returns: During the final fight, the guys help out Knight and fight TF together as Knight struggles… because they are friends… awwww….

Also WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!... We did it...the end of ACT I ~ Insanity. A long one, but a good one...next up...Act II ~ Memories. A prequel before it continues with Act III ~ Remember...

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