Hey everyone, anyone here ever heard of Balan Wonderworld? There is a petition to give it another chance that I think we should take. Yes it could use an upgrade, but it can't get that if we don't give it a chance to. If you want to sign the petition, go here: Balan Wonderworld
Hey everyone, I need some help. I'm trying to make an OC Tarot deck and need help coming up with some ideas since I need 72 cards. Here's what I have so far in my Word document: OC Tarot Deck (Name of Card) - (Description) - (Normal Meaning) - (Reversed Meaning)
Winds of Fate – Three cards being blown in the wind – Your fate has changed for the better – Your fate has changed for the worse
Hey everyone, I just noticed I'm being followed by people who I haven't talked to before and I want to know why? It's not like I have any stories posted that their looking forward to. So please, for those I haven't talked with before, please answer this question. Why?