• Member Since 21st Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Tuesday


A real lady killer.

More Blog Posts26

  • 127 weeks
    Life Update

    Hey all,

    It’s been a long time since I’ve done anything here. I wish I could say that it’s because I’m too busy doing more important things, but really I’ve stopped caring about most things horse-related for the better part of over a year.

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    9 comments · 664 views
  • 172 weeks

    But why is the release date January 21st, 2022? FromSoft just wants to hurt my heart and soul by making me wait. :raritydespair:

    As someone who 100% Sekiro, I will patiently wait for my time to do it again once January rolls around.

    1 comments · 323 views
  • 207 weeks
    Epic & Based & Red-pilled


    I am the one on the right for you noobies.

    2 comments · 458 views
  • 232 weeks
    Year 21 of Living on this Planet

    'Tis my birthday yet again.

    Woulda been great if I didn't have to celebrate said birthday while God's playing a game of Plague Inc, but I guess we can't be winners all the time, right?

    27 comments · 537 views
  • 268 weeks
    My Trip to Italy

    These are some of my favorite pictures from my trip to Italy from May 21st to the 30th. Sorry that the time between the blog and the trip is so vastly different, I just hadn't anticipated actually making this vlog until now:

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    6 comments · 470 views

My Trip to Italy · 1:10am Aug 15th, 2019

These are some of my favorite pictures from my trip to Italy from May 21st to the 30th. Sorry that the time between the blog and the trip is so vastly different, I just hadn't anticipated actually making this vlog until now:

Entrance to the Vatican, Vatican City

Galileo Musuem, Florence

Roman Colosseum, Rome

Countryside, Tuscany

I haven't bothered with things that aren't related to Fimfiction because I'm not sure anyone would be particularly interested in my life, but travel is a hobby of mine and I'd figure I'd share it with anyone who might be interested.

The trip was alright except for the very beginning, but I'm still glad I went. These pictures that I took are going to be hung in my apartment for the fall semester. Let me know what you think of them.

Comments ( 6 )
Author Interviewer

That museum looks fantastic! :O

I envy people who travel a lot. It's never sat well with me. :C

Dude, Italy is awesome. Been there twice. Got robbed at Il Colosseo, though... :facehoof:
Did you seriously go to Florence and not climb the Duomo? :twilightangry2:


Come, visit Poland:

We got cookies vodka :trollestia: ... oh, yeah, and those 'attractions' shown in that clip too.

those are super pretty!!

Glad you got to go. I tried, but it seemed God and the forces of nature did not want me going.

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