To everybody who hated on me in primary school, fuck you! Look at me now. Fuck you Mrs Johnson, you terrible teacher. You said I'd never amount to anything. Well fuck you you fucking whore. Maybe if you were nicer, you'd still have a husband!
Last night, out of peer pressure, I got drunk. Im 13, so I wasn't doing too good. Soon I blacked out. I texted my friend and asked what Happened. He said the following. "Dude, you said you were Waluigi." I replied "how?" He replied "you got your dick stuck in a vending machine" Never again will I get drunk
I don't understand why people celebrate the 4th of July. So it's Americas birthday, so what? And fireworks too. There loud, too bright, and I can't use them were I live. I hate this holiday
So, some updates. I recently celebrated my little brothers birthday I finished 7th grade Some yandere chick became my stalker I fell in love with said stalker I got a girlfriend And I attempted suicide. Pretty eventful since I went offline for "good".
I don't understand why people celebrate the 4th of July. So it's Americas birthday, so what? And fireworks too. There loud, too bright, and I can't use them were I live. I hate this holiday