Addera · 4:12am Jun 7th, 2019
May I present, most humbly, some wonderful fanart done by the amazing Foxenawolf (FurAffinity link)!
As you can see, this lovely danger noodle shares the unique patterning of her namesake. Oh, and she's looking this way. Well, free-will was over rated...
Every time you talk about "her beautiful eyes" it reminds me of the Sloan song "Whelmed".
Huh, never pictured her as brown.
5070560 The movie tends to color her all too much as a typical "green monster", but I thought using the pattern of the common European adder would be the best, particularly given her name.
Vipers are actually rather pretty, and I like their overly pronounced scales a lot.
Just be careful, though, they are a danger noodle, and if you boop you may wind up with the hurt juice.
I think I've been picturing her as purple for some reason.
5070569 Not because of a hypno tube?
( Source )
She looks awesome
Oh my goodness
Huh, thought she'd be more scale-y on the pony half, and more red overall
5070657 This is not work I commissioned, just to note. They did ask for ideas on what she looks like, but I didn't go into great depth.
I asked Dilarus to do the coverart for a reason—all the books I have of Harry Potter have their internal illustrations in black lineart, and I thought matching that would give a similar feel, while the art itself would be something utterly MLP in nature.
Ah, that's alright. What does Addera look like then? Like, say we took this image as a base, what would be different?
5070663 I'd probably go a little darker, more toward gray-brown. Also (and I can totally understand the artist not wanting to do it) prominent scales.
This is amazing!
I'd make her face a little cuter if possible maybe like this: