Another Last Sunset Chapter is out, and look! That date is fixed! · 7:18pm May 25th, 2019
So, here is another one. I'm going to sort through my notes for a bit before doing the next chapter which should take to long. It should be out sometime this week if all things go according to plan.
On another note. Since my apartment burnt down, I lost a lot of stuff, most of my electronics included. So, I'm back to using the library. Thanks to a donation, I've managed to move out of my old city, which was an extremely shitty city when it came to finding work. The homeless problem there is extremely bad, thus I decided to move. So, thank you, random person!
I just need to fix my phone...being on a contract sucks, but at least to repair the screen that got smashed escaping the building only costs 70$. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It sucks!
Anyway, I hope ya'll understand. With love. Winter.