• Member Since 25th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen Apr 20th, 2023

Cuber Snuggles

Never expect consistency with my uploads (even if I say otherwise.) I'm always open to conversation and PMs. Profile picture by _Vidz_

More Blog Posts29

  • 297 weeks

    How is everyone? Anything you're excited about? Maybe a little nervous?

    Read More

    5 comments · 283 views
  • 321 weeks
    If I were to write

    Would you guys like me too? I know that I'm more inconsistent than the Florida election results, but I'd like to possibly dip my toe back in the pool.

    I also miss talking with people here. It is almost as fun as reading stories here.

    Regardless, have a good day.

    0 comments · 272 views
  • 367 weeks
    Merry belated Christmas!

    I hope you all had a good one!

    0 comments · 321 views
  • 368 weeks
    Nearly Christmas


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  • 369 weeks
    A question about blogs

    Should I start posting blogs regularly? It's a question that's been on my mind for awhile now. Would that be something you guys would be interested in? And if so, what would you like me to talk about?

    That is all, have a good (rest of your) day!

    0 comments · 293 views

Hey · 12:00am May 5th, 2019

How is everyone? Anything you're excited about? Maybe a little nervous?

Me? Well, it's simple really: a lot of time has passed since I've last made a blog post, and even more time since I've updated a story. I do feel bad for my long absences from here because I do feel like I've made genuine friendships, but real life comes first. Not that I don't consider this as important, but proximity is priority, especially when I can't really go anywhere else in till I'm an adult. But, I do still care. I still think about this site every night before I drift to sleep. I still read stories from time to time, leaving comments whenever I do. And I'd just like to know if...well, if I was a good writer. Did I leave an impact? Or did I ever write one sentence that made you think "uh, that has potential." Why am I asking? Here's why.

In January, I revealed to my friends about my activity here, and their response was surprisingly positive! I might even actually show them my stories, and hopefully that will reignite my passion for writing in general. There's a lot of things I'd like to do here again, and even on YouTube if possible, and I want to do it with my friends. Or, I'd at least like their understanding.

I know this might come off as me looking for undeserved praise, but believe me when I say that this comes from a place of complete honesty and curiosity.

My experiences here might not of always been positive, but I wouldn't change a thing about it. And it's thanks to the people who did leave comments and/or responded to mine.
Regardless, I care deeply for you all, and have a nice day :-)

Report Cuber Snuggles · 283 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

I can't speak for how you were as a writer given I only read one of your stories as far as I'm aware, but I always enjoyed seeing you comment on ny blogs. It always brightened my day.

Also, I've been busy. Both happy and sorrowful. I'm working on refining my writing style.

I'm excited for Godzilla:KotM coming out by the end of this month. And it's good to see you're still doing well.


Thanks for the responses! I'm glad to see them this Sunday morning before things get busy.

Have a good day, Cuber.

That movie is going to be unbelievably awesome!

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