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A novice writer who one day plans to genetically modify himself to grow wings. Because wings are awesome and I hate gravity. (Avatar belongs to racer437 on Deviantart)

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Surviving the dentist by climbing a mountain and my cat made a Skype call · 12:15am Apr 16th, 2019

Yes, this title is somewhat serious.

No, I'm not drunk right now.

Basically...I went to the dentist today because I need a Crown, with involves a lot of drilling and getting rid of most of the tooth because my mouth is stupid and gets cavities all the time. I was supposed to have it done last week, but between the numbing stuff taking way longer than it should because my nerves are in a different spot, and the fact that I was still hyper stressed as a side effect of the GRE Psychology test last week, I needed to delay.

I also just really can't stand the sound of drills. Just, eueueueueuuggueuguegueuguege...

But thankfully, THIS time around, I had the soundtrack from the wonderful game Celeste to help we. Combine it's epic music with noise reducing ear buds, and viola, no more feeling the drill just because of the sound! Also I recommend everyone play Celeste at least once. Trust me, it's worth it and my girlfriend/ editor can attest to how fun it is.

Also, in a moment of sheer hilarity, my cat actually did end up calling someone over Skype for Business. See, my dad was IMing someone, and got up for thirty seconds to go get some water. My cat Ruby, who LOVES to sit on his laptop's keyboard, was waiting for this, and immediately jumps up the second he's gone and, against all odds, actually starts a Skype call with the person my dad was IMing.

And of course, the first thing she ask when my dad gets back is "Did you cat just Skype call me?"

To which the answer, is yes. And it is hilarious. :pinkiehappy::facehoof::derpytongue2:

That's all, I have three chapters for various stories in the works, so hopefully something new will come soon :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 4 )

Cats really are something :rainbowlaugh:

Yea, I know the pain of that. The problem is I don’t even feed them, yet sometimes they come beg me for food at 5:00 in the morning anyway :facehoof:

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